"Stole it of course."

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After another week of being here life was feeling pretty good. I sighed leaning into the mattress as I woke. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, '4am.. great.' I didn't feel tired anymore and decided to get up. Not to my surprise, Michael was gone. He always thought he was so sneaky, but in reality I knew what was going on. Some of it at least. Michael would get up in the middle of the night, leave, and come back like nothing happened. He would lay back down next to me and pretend he was there the whole time. But the smell of pine sap and blood told me otherwise. I wondered what he was doing and where he was going, but I was too scared to ask. I got up stretching and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Michael had appeared the other day with toothbrushes and toothpaste and I certainly wasn't going to complain.

After I was done I headed out to the living room and sat down with a book and began to read. It wasn't my favorite book, it was old and not really my genre but take what you get when you're living for free in someone else's home. The front door handle giggled before popping open and Michael walked inside. We made eye contact through the mask and he quickly took it off throwing it down half-hazardly onto the coffee table. He sat down next to me awkwardly. "Where have you been?" I asked. I was getting used to seeing his face much more as he hardly wore the mask when he was with me. The pungent smell of blood smacked me in the face. I frowned as Michael leaned his head on my shoulder ignoring my question. He just wanted to be touched. I sighed running my hand through his hair as he leaned his full weight on me. "Michael you're heavy!" I couldn't help but giggle as he laid his head my in my lap. I brushed his blond hair from his face as he looked up at me looking incredibly tired.

I noticed the blood that was sticking to his large hands that rested on his stomach. He was trying to lay down on the sofa with his head on my lap but he seemed to forget how tall he was. His legs laid almost entirely over the armrest of it. I pet his hair and face as he closed his eyes and let out a relaxed sigh. I wondered if he knew the way I felt about him. "Michael." I mumbled and he opened his eyes looking up at me. "I care about you." I smiled down at him as his hand moved to squeeze mine encouragingly. I had never felt cared about much in life, so I wanted to make sure Michael knew I cared for him. 'Can I sleep here.' He signed slowly. He looked so tired how could I say no to that face? "Of course honey." I mumbled sweetly. The pet name was certainly new to Michael. I had never called him that (or anyone for that matter really) that before. Michael rolled onto his side facing my stomach in a feeble attempt to hide the blush on his face. At least I knew he liked it.

For the last week I had tried getting closer to him trying to find the right words and time to tell him how I felt about him without straight up admitting it. I shouldn't feel this way but fuck. Here he was, sleeping with his head on my lap without a care in the world. It truly made me wonder what I did so right to deserve this. I hummed softly listening to the surprisingly relaxing sounds of Michael's soft breathing. My thumb ran over his scars and rubbing his cheek sweetly as he made muffled sounds in his sleep. After a few hours of this Michael woke rather violently. His hand snapped to my wrist grabbing me and squeezing. Hard. "Michael stop!" I yelped. Michael immediately let go signing 'sorry' over and over. "Bad dream?" I asked softly as Michael sat up backing away a bit as to not scare me more than he already had. I was shaking a bit trying to remain calm and collected was not easy. He nodded reaching his hard forward towards me only to freeze when I flinched back. My wrist was on fire, he certainly didn't know his own strength.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had a nightmare.' He signed. I let out a shaky breath. "It's okay... don't worry.." Michael moved forward again this time I didn't move. He took my wrist and examined the damage. Red finger print turning purple painted my s/c skin. "Seriously don't worry about it it's not broken." I moved my hand and squeezed it into a fist demonstrating how I was alright. Michael seemed satisfied by the response and let go. 'I have something I want to show you.' Michael signed standing up and heading towards the front door. I paused slipping my shoes on and followed him out. It was fairly cold, the dirt driveway frosted over causing it to crunch under my steps. 'Close your eyes.' He signed and I listened. He moved behind me, hands on my shoulders guiding me forward until he stopped. He tapped my shoulder as a way to get me to open my eyes. When I did to my surprise a car was in the driveway. "Wow Michael there great!" I smiled at him and walked over to it looking rather proud.

Kill For Me (Michael Myers x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now