"Easy Michael."

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The next day the snow was thick and covered the forest floor a few feet deep. I stared out the window watching as the last bits of snow finally came to a stop. "Wanna go build a snowman or something? It'll be fun." I mumbled to the man who sat on the sofa watching me. I turned my head to see his response and he nodded with a head tilt. "What? Never built a snowman before?" I chuckled. The silent man nodded again. I moved over to him and grabbed his hand making him stand up. "Try and find some gloves and a hat okay?" I muttered to him as I turned and pet Raven on the head. The black cat meowed purring and rubbing against my hand. I moved away and slipped my jacket on my shoulders and a scarf around my neck. Michael walked from the hallway dressed in a blue jacket and sweatpants as he struggled to pull a pair of gloves over his large hands.

I giggled before walking up to him and grabbed his hands. "Let me help." I took his bandaged hand and very carefully sliding the glove over it. The wounds where still covered and held tightly by the stitches. I gave the same gentle treatment to his other hand. I pulled a black hat from my pocket and stood on my toes to slide it over his head. "Warm?" I giggled. He looked like a giant cuddly warm bear. He nodded. I lead him out the front door nearly tripping over the amount of snow that was packed tightly against the frame. I laughed picking up a handful of snow before closing the door behind us. I turned to see Michael just standing and staring down at the snow kicking it curiously. I packed the snow tightly into my now freezing hands and threw it at him hitting him square in the chest. He froze and stared me cocking his head to the side like I just punched him in the face. "Throw one back!" I shouted crouching down and grabbing another handful of snow.

I let out a shocked gasp as cold puffy snow hit me hard in the back causing me to fall face first into the snow. I picked myself up and turned to see Michael giggling silently trying to cover his mouth and pretend like he wasn't. "Oh you're gonna pay for that one!" I snatched up more snow and chucked it at him. He quickly moved to the side avoiding the hit. Michael snatched up two handfuls of snow before quickly stalking towards me. I fell back into the fluffy cold snow putting my hands up to cover my face. "Nooo!" I whined as Michael pelted me with two snowballs. "Don't hit a man while he's down!" I argued brushing away the white fluff that clung to me and standing up to face him hands on my hips. A small smile spread across his lips as he looked down at me, blond hair messily clinging to his face and sticking out from under his hat. He looked so cute like this it was unreal. I was surprised when his hands snaked around my waist and pulled me close to him, I looked up blushing like an idiot only to be cut off as he lifted me and threw me back into the snow. He looked down and let out a snort of amusement. 'Do I win?' He signed tilting his head to the side.

"Yes Michael you winnn.." I groaned sitting up and brushing the snow from my face. He smiled wider and I grabbed another handful before hitting him in the face with it catching him off guard. "HA!" I laughed looking as a shocked expression spread across the blond mans face. "I win." I gloated. 'You're gonna regret that.' Michael signed taking an ominous step towards me. I quickly staggered to my feet taking off into the woods trudging through the snow. "That's if you can catch me first!" Michael was strong and stealthy sure but he wasn't all that fast, rather he chose not to run. I took off down a worn makeshift path barely visible through the snow. I turned my head back while running, to my surprise there was no one giving chase. I turned just in time to hit a tree and fall to the ground with a grunt of pain. I gripped my nose feeling blood warm my hand. "Shit.." I moved my hand away seeing blood stain my skin. I sat up and leaned against a tree feeling my vision blur. My eyes caught movement in the woods. "Michael..?" I groaned. The shape grew closer and I froze. It wasn't Michael. A low growl ripped through the creatures throat. A wolf.

I completely froze, heart pounding in my chest as the wolf drew closer. Head low and snaring with bared teeth. I couldn't move, couldn't breath, blood streamed down my lip and down my throat. The wolf lunged forward, I slammed my forearm in front of me as it's teeth sunk down hard into my flesh. A scream tore from my throat as the wolf snarled biting down harder. I pushed my arm back trying to keep the animal from getting any closer to me. Sharp nails scraped down my chest and stomach as it fought to get closer. "help somebody help me!" I screamed kicking my legs hard into its stomach. Suddenly the creature was thrown off of me with a horrified yelp from the wolf. I turned to see Michael practically pinning the creature down slamming a knife into any part of its body he could get his hands on. Hot tears stained my cheeks as I began to shake. My arm stung painfully almost numb as it dropped into the snow staining it red. After a second of the wolf crying out in pain it went silent. That however didn't stop Michael as he continued his violent outburst, he turned towards me soaked in blood as his right hand still mindlessly attacked it.

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