Dorian 1

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I let out a soft grunt and glanced at whoever just walked into my room. I glare at them for second wanting to sleep a little more in. My dad doesn't say anything, he just continues to smile. He hasn't looked that happy since my mom passed away.

"Dorian, my son, I have excellent news for you!" Cheerfully my dad tells me. I look at him questioning why he couldn't wait till I went to eat breakfast.

"It would be best if you come down. Please dress yourself nicely, I want you to meet someone very special!"


His face falls with my answer just for a split second then he goes back to smiling.

"Well you're gonna come down one way or another. Please Dorian you know how hard it's been since the incident, it will mean a lot to me if you would do as I say."

I think about it for a minute. I look down knowing that I was going to regret this. I take one glance up at him as a sigh escape my mouth.

"I take that as a yes?" I nod my head at him confirming his suspicion. He has the brightest smile on his face. I lazily look at him as he walks off.

I hum as I walk to get a towel and clothes. I turn on the shower and get rid of my clothes. I roll my shoulders knowing that today would go good or bad. I get in as I feel my muscles tense from the coldness of the shower soon relaxing. I let out a groan at the feeling. I shut my eyes not wanting this feeling to go away. I massage the shampoo into my hair and scalp. I rinse it out ready to put conditioner in. I pause for a second thinking of who this person could be.

I exhale through my nose, shaking my head and soon get back to cleansing my body. The cold water rushes to get all the body wash off of my skin. I stay in for three more minutes before finally getting out. I step one foot out at a time to grab my towel. I dry my body and put my white briefs on. I look into the mirror and grab my facial cleansing items. The feeling of the coldness from the cream item feels good on my skin as I massage it in. I leave it for five minutes and grab a rag to clean it off. I put plumbing cream and oils to help soothe out any red areas. I look around noticing my moisturizer and sunscreen is missing.

I kept everything in perfect condition for ready use, yet I can't seem to find the items. I open up my bottom cabinets confused as to how they got there. I brush it off and continue to put it on. I grab my blow dryer and start to dry my hair with it. I grab a brush to make it not so messy and comb it through. I finish with a sigh escaping my mouth. I glance around and put my normal attire on. My white shirt tucked into my off white pants. I put my brown belt on and my white socks. I blink as I look at myself in the mirror. I brush my hands through my hair to make it look more presentable.

I can see the moles and freckles that decorate my face. The pale tan that I have seems perfectly good to me. There was never acne or anything wrong with my body. I made sure I was clean cut ready for anything. A soft smile is shown in front of me. Plumbed ruby lips opened to show perfect white teeth. I could hardly tell that my teeth were slightly crooked. I check to smell my breath seemingly forgotten to brush my teeth. I grab my tooth brush as I put the perfect amount of toothpaste. I make sure that I get everywhere. I spit it out and start to go again till I'm done. I grab a mini water bottle and gargle it than spit out. I get my mouth wash and do the same. I open the bathroom door to see my room.

Roses are sat perfectly in the vases. Pearl necklaces are sat in front of my vanity along with items for my skin. A book on my nightstand from the night before I went to bed. The glazed porcelain marble flooring looks as if it were just swept. I pick up my hand held mirror from my vanity and giggle to myself. The off white paint looks fresh as if it hadn't have been there for my whole life. I jump onto my queen sized bed and feel the satin silky sheets along with the pillow cases. I let out a loud long moan at the feeling I never seem to be able to shake off. I look at the clock that read 12:48 pm

My eyes open wide as it's been 2 hours of me getting dressed. I look at my body mirror making sure nothing was wrong than at my vanity for my face. I brush a quick hand to make my hair look better as I open my door and rush down the stares. My loud thuds could probably be heard from downstairs but I don't mind. As I'm halfway there I start to walk acting as if I wasn't rushing down half a second ago. As I walk to the dining room I noticed a lady giggling. Possibly one of my aunts has come over? That wouldn't have made any sense, moms family stopped contacting us the minute I reached 14 and dad only had one living brother out of three.

I put on my most charming smile as I see my father sat down with a lady who looks to be the about ten years older than me. I let out a fake cough as to get their attention. My father glances at me and his smile widens even more.

"This is my son, the one I've been mentioning. Quick come and introduce yourself. He gets up from his seat and grabs ahold of me to meet the lady.

I grab a hold of her hand and shake it. " lovely meeting you, my name is Franco, Dorian Franco." I place a quick kiss on her hand as she giggles.

"Oh my such lovely manners you have! My name is Lola Londel." She giggles again and it sounds like one of the most angelic thing I have ever heard. It felt as if Cupid had struck an arrow into my heart. I shyly glance at my father.

"Yes yes, Dorian I know that it's been a while but I was thinking maybe she could become a part of our family?" I glance at my father with wide eyes, the words processing through my mind before staring into space.I thought this lady was gonna become my new tutor. In my mind I'm seeing red but I mask it with fake sadness.

"What do you mean by that father?" His face falters at my question.

" Dorian ever since your mother had passed away, I've been feeling lonely and I thought this was the perfect opportunity for the both of us."

"I'm going to my room. Goodbye."

I can hear my father shouting out my name and than try to soothe the goddess like lady. I don't give one care in the world about it. I can't seem the shake the feeling off. As much as I want him to be happy I don't want him to be with another woman. Especially not her. He didn't deserve her. I didn't seem have an appetite anymore.

I rush into my room and get my shoes on. I look at my balcony and open the doors. I look around and see the tree right next to it. I hurry down the tree making sure that I wasn't seen by anyone. I felt free as I was in the large field filled with flowers. I get more close to the gate and see my baby blue bike. I hop on and biked to a diner. I set down my bike making sure no one would get it. I grabbed my lighter and cigarette pack from my back pocket. I quickly light it and soon feel relaxed. Once I'm down with it I drop it and crush it walking into the diner. I sit down at a booth.

"Hey handsome you mind if I sit here?"

I glance up at the lady in front of me.

"I do mind yes, go away."

She scoffs and walks off as she gives me the finger. I roll my eyes at her childish ways.

"Hello what would you like to order? I'm gonna be starting off with drinks." I stare at the man and see a red tint in his cheeks.

"Just a vanilla milkshake please and thank you."

"Perfect I'll be out in just a sec."

I wave the man off and glance outside it looks to be about rain. I grab my phone from my front pocket and get my EarPods. I put one on and connect it to my phone. I see the boy from earlier coming with my milkshake.

"Here you go." I nod my head at him letting out a quick 'thank you' and a thin lined smile. I go on instagram and look at my friends story's along with post.

I let out a sigh not want to go home anytime soon. I stay there till 10:00 pm which was close to closing time. I get up from the booth and outside leaving a $20. I go to pick up my bike. I look around making sure no one was near. My bike looks red from the neon light up signs. I let out a groan not ready for the long journey back to my house.

Not proof read
This is my first story and I will be trying to improve. Updates shouldn't take any longer than a week, I hope.
Feel free to tell me how to improve but please do not be rude about it. I don't have an exact person to be Dorian or any of my other characters.

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