Authors note:

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I have a confession to make... I haven't seen season 3 of the show. v.v but I am going to watch it in its entirety and go from there to decide how to go about continuing this story.

I have a vacation I am going on that was scheduled two years ago just as Covid broke out. v.v So hopefully I can get the show watched, and this story continued.

Thank you all for the views and votes. Honestly I wasn't expecting this to get as popular as it did... thank you all so much. ^.^

I will update as soon as I can, but I'll need to watch the source material to figure out what direction to take my character in, if I'm able to continue with it with how I've left it.

In the meantime, thank you again for reading, please enjoy and if you have questions or suggestions for improvement please feel free to ask or let me know.

Thank you all again. ^.^ Stay beautiful people, and have a wonderful day/night.

Update: added a colored sketch of Jess to help picture what she looks like. Hopefully it loads, but knowing my luck it probably won't. V.V Here's to hoping. I am working on watching season three, it's just taking longer because work is taking up a lot of my time.

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