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Getting to Belle Reve was boring to say the least. Amanda Waller introduced herself as the warden and explained that Reve was inescapable. She then went on a tangent about how they curb any violence and showed that the collars weren't just fancy jewelry.

Jess felt the shock but resisted reacting. She'd learned with joker the shock would stop if it wasn't fun anymore. The others though nearly collapsed with it. Amanda gave her a skeptical look but continued on with explaining that there was no way out and where all the things were. They were split by gender and put into their cells. Oddly enough Tuppence was placed in the cell with Killer Frost. Jess was led further down the hall.

"I don't get a cell in this section?" She asked as she looked around while they walked.

"We were informed you had injuries prior to being arrested. I'm taking you to medical. Also Batman insisted you have a supervised talk with Harley." At this Jess perked up.

"You're letting me talk to mama? I was thinking I'd have to beg in order to talk with her." Amanda narrowed her eyes.

"It'll be supervised. But I will allow you to hug if needed. I may not know what it's like living with Joker but I'm sure we could work something out for you here. I'm not heartless you know."

"Thank you ma'am." There was a slight hop in her step as they walked to the medic. Perhaps Amanda was more of a kid person and had to have the hard exterior for the inmates. Then again if she shows favoritism it could spell trouble for Jess in the long run.

The trip to the medic could have gone smoother. They reset the bones in her fingers and splinted them, she was told to keep the splints on for at least two weeks. Her back on the other hand had to be almost completely bandaged. Joker had cut a rather large intricate design into her skin as punishment for helping the heroes. Even if in the long run it was in their best interest to do so, J didn't see it that way. She had some kind of bruise salve slathered on her neck and ribs as those were the most damaged and not quite finished healing areas. By the time they were done with the medic it was late. Amanda apologized and said she would get her in to see Harley tomorrow since they weren't expecting as much damage as she had. She was put in the cell across from Killer Frost and Tuppence.

"Devastation." Jess said as she was pushed into the cell.

"Play nice you two." Amanda said tapping the remote for the collars they wore. After Amanda left Jess' cell mate approached her.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Jester. I'm Jokers brat and know a lot more than you think I'd know. So if you leave me be I'll keep your secrets." This earned her narrowed eyes but Jess walked over the empty bunk and laid down on an open bed. "I've had a long and disappointing day so leave me to sleep and maybe tomorrow I'll be in a better mood."

The next morning came early and Jess was already up and by the door. She was ready to talk to Harley.

The doors opened and the inmates were directed to a cafeteria/lounge area with a glass separation between the two sexes. Surprisingly Tuppence gravitated towards Jess while they were left to roam free for a little. The orange jumpsuit Jess wore was only halfway on as she had the sleeves tied around her waist with a white tank as her shirt.

"No hard feelings Tuppence? I know your brother said water under the bridge but that doesn't mean you can't have your own feelings about it." Jess started making her closeness less suspicious to others. 'Tuppence' didn't respond but Jess could feel the telepathic pull confirming her suspicions.

'You aren't allowed in there. Didn't you learn with Psimon?' She pushed back and Tuppence seemed shocked.

"Guess I'd be pretty mad too if someone gave me bad info. You're welcome to share your thoughts."

"Like my brother said. All water under the bridge." Jess smirked.

'You'll have to try to be a bit meaner to pull off Tuppence. She's kinda moody at best.'

'Thank you. Why haven't you said anything about who I am?'

'I have nothing to gain from it. And if I let slip two jr heroes are here what do you think will happen?'

'Good point.' A guard walked up to Jess and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You're needed for a check up." Tuppence tilted her head slightly worried.

"Nothing big Tuppy. I'll be back in a while." She held up her splinted hand and left with the guard.

"Surprised you're so close to her." Killer Frost said as she walked over with crossed arms.

"You know what they say, keep your friends close and enemies closer. I need to make sure I can trust her again." Tuppence said remembering a previous encounter with something similar being said.

"I wouldn't trust her. She's a wild card at best and given she's Jokers brat there's no telling what she'll do next." Tuppence glanced at Tommy and he shrugged. Guess they'll have to look into her interactions when they get back to base. She'll make mention to Aqualad later when she gets more info.


The check up went much quicker than when she went in yesterday. They were just checking to see if anything had shifted and replace the bandages and bruise salve. Amanda was there to take her to solitary where they kept Harley.

"Mama?" Jess said as she approached. Harley was draped across some fabric she had tied to the bars above her in some form of hammock. Harley looked over quickly before jumping out of her hammock.

"My baby!" She went to rush the bars but stayed back a bit in case they were still on. Jess on the other hand went right up to them and reached through the bars. Harley looked to Amanda confused.

"I'll let you two interact and when time is up the bars get turned back on." Harley smiled and immediately hugged Jess.

"I missed you my baby."

"I missed you too mama." Jess sniffled. She was trying really hard not to cry. "J says I'm not allowed to get you out this time. But I'm glad I get to see you."

"That's okay Baby. I'm sure if I behave I'll get to go on parole. I'll get you away from Mr. J and we can live with red and be happy again with Bud and Lou." Harley threaded her fingers through Jess' hair and held her as close as she could without hurting her.

"J's been distracted with the jr heroes lately and plan to help the light divert attention using him." Jess whispered. "If you got out while he's preoccupied he won't look for you for a little while." Harley nodded.

"I would just have to get you away from J without him being able to find you."

Amanda coughed making her presence known. It earned her a glare from both inmates.

"I have a job to do mama. I'll see you when I can."

"Alright my baby. Stay safe." Harley placed a kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too mama." Jess was led away and the bars were turned back on when Harley stepped away from them.

"If she's hurt I'll kill every one of you." Harley threatened. "That is if Mr. J doesn't do it first. He's a little possessive of her."

Jess waved back with a sad smile. She was led back to the cafeteria where not surprisingly the freeze family was conversing near the separation wall.Tommy, Tuppence, and Cameron were not near the wall but the twins looked like they were communicating. Jess shook her head.

They needed to be less obvious about their telepathic link.

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