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"This was a successful test. We should step out into the light." Vertigo said and Joker looks to Jess.

"Alright my pet. I'll need you to interrupt the satellites and be our camera man. You can do that can't you?" Jess nodded without saying anything.

"Why did you bring a child?" Black Atom asked.

"She's crucial to our escape should the justice league intervene." Ivy stated as she walked closer to Jess. "And if any of you hurt her you'll have to answer to me."

"Didn't know you were fond of my toys Ivy." Joker laughed.

"Not of your toys, but she's just a baby. I still don't think she should be on the field."

"Posh. She's got more fight in her than that bird brat. She knows how to handle herself." Joker looked back at her and she created pockets to disrupt the satellite feed to show what their camera saw.

Joker knocked on the camera, in case it wasn't working? Jess was slightly confused, but with Joker it could be anything.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement,"

J had pulled out a switch blade and helped Jess turn the camera to reveal the others.

"From the Injustice League."

Count Vertigo spoke up, Jess wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to interrupt joker or not. She zoomed in on his face so that it was easier to decipher who was the one asking.

"We are responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them, a ransom of ten billion American dollars is required. Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit, but the longer your governments wait,"

J grabbed the camera and turned it towards him.

"The more we get to have our jollies."

J started laughing and getting closer to the camera. Jess flinched and the pockets she created vanished.

"And now we wait." Ultra Humanite stated as he left the group to patrol the central plant. The others followed, but Ivy stuck close to Jess.

"How are you holding up sweetie?" She asked and Jess put the camera away through one of the pockets.

"I'm worried. If the Justice league goes after the plants that have sprouted in the city that means the jr team is going to come here. With Wotan being here he's like a magic beacon for Zatara to find. They'll know where we are and I'm not a fighter." Ivy ruffled Jess' hair.

"Stick close to me, I can keep you safe." Jess glanced at Joker, he seemed more agitated than normal.

"But when we leave here who's gonna protect me from him?" Ivy looked to Joker and frowned. She couldn't promise protection when Jess was alone with Joker, and knowing how finicky he is anything could happen. Ivy put a hand on Jess' injured shoulder, to which she pulled away from with a slight hiss.

"He hurt you and now has you on the field?" Ivy asked appalled. Jess shook her head.

"A goon. J doesn't know how bad it is. Just that a goon hurt me." Jess crossed an arm over her middle and held her other arm.

"Sit in one of your pockets, keep an eye out and when we need you you'll know."

"J said I have to stay visible at all times. If I want to avoid a harsher punishment I can't hide away. Thank you though. We should get in place before others arrive." Jess pulled on her mask. "Thanks though red. Mama says hi by the way." Jess found a place to sit that was out of the way but still visible. Her phone buzzed and she glanced at it.

You're in Louisiana.

-Emergency Contact-

Maybe we can get you out of there?

-Emergency Contact-
Not likely. J is irritated, I wouldn't recommend a rescue at this time. Worry about taking out the central plant and get the League to come here.

When is that clown not irritated?

-Emergency Contact-
On my birthday. He tries to be on his best behavior then, and the day I had my accident. And the day he celebrates finding me. It happens more often then you'd think, but any day he runs into Batman is a bad day.

When is your birthday?

-Emergency Contact-
November 25. Dick was always irritated at the fact I'd be older than him for almost a week. His family always made a show of it when they were still here.

I'll try and remember.
The team is wondering who I'm messaging, be there soon.

Jess sighed as she read the text. Without a doubt Vertigo will sense their approach. She glanced over at Joker who was laughing maniacally. Atomic Skull and Wotan were boosting the plant and the others were just waiting.

"Someone approaches." Vertigo states and some of them venture off to round up the intruders. Ivy stayed behind with Ultra Humanite.

Jess notices movement from the tree line. 'Guess Ms M and Robin escaped.' Ivy saw them and snared them with some vines, Ultra Humanite was about to blast them. Chaos ensued and Ivy went after Robin. Pretty soon the whole team was here and Vertigo called for them to be killed after the central plant was blown up. 'This means the League will be here soon.'

Wotan had the situation subdued with lightning magic, at least until the helmet of fate was put on Aqualad. With Fate pulling the strings it'll be difficult to manage an escape.

The fight went everywhere, each hero and villain fighting their own with the occasional team up to take down one. This was relatively short considering the power match of some, but as soon as Wotan was distracted by Zatara appearing, the whole Injustice League became distracted by the arrival of nearly the entire Justice league.

Jess was too far away from Joker to hear what he was rambling but knew he was up to no good when he raised his hand. Some of the vines raised out of the water and released the toxin. Aqualad/Dr. Fate siphoned the gas out of the air.

'Guess this is my cue.'

"Cover your ears wonder boy." She watched as both supers snapped their heads in her direction. She had strapped on an electric guitar and had an amplifier in a rounded pocket to increase the sound, as well as some noise canceling headphones. Before anyone could move she strummed the guitar and the force of the sound knocked down some uneven standing heroes, as well as sloshing some mud in their direction to temporarily blind them. "Hate to break up the party boys, but I believe we're due for our exit. We have places to be." She played some chords and made sure to keep a pocket open in front of her should Superman try and take her down. During a pause in the chords she opened a pocket under the villains and got them out. Then stepped back into the one with the amp. "Good night all."

The mud had settled and she noticed the disapproving looks she got from most of the heroes. Superboy was the only one with sympathy. Just as the pocket was closing she was hit with a blast from Dr Fate. It hit her injured shoulder and she let out a shout.

The pocket closed and she looked to her shoulder, instead of it being worse the injury was slightly healed.

"Guess Aqualad had pulled some strings." She smiled slightly, but the hit still hurt.

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