Chapter 9

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Snook POV

"I'm sorry I went off on you like that. I just been feeling like you drifting. It's cause I love you so much that I go crazy like that." Keniyah explained.

"Ken, you know I got love for you. I don't know why you act like that. If you gone be my girl you gotta chill on that and stop drawing so much attention all the time. If you chill maybe I could take you places."

She rolled her eyes. "But you gotta promise me you not fucking around on me Snook. I don't wanna be looking stupid."

"I'm not cheating on you, Ken." I lied. "I know I fucked up in the past but you know you my girl. Aint no confusion about that shit so stop saying that."

"Do the girls you be texting know that?!" She said getting loud again.

"What girls Ken?! Damn!" I sighed and sank back in my seat.

"I act crazy because you made me this way Snook! Text whoever she is right now and tell her you done."
Keniyah demanded. I was not doing that shit.

"You tripping again Ken."

"Okay well let me text her then. Give me yo password—"

"Ken I'm finna go in the store, I ain't got time for this shit." I said, getting out the car.



I watched him walk off into the distance. I knew he was lying. I just wish he would be honest with me and loyal like I always have been. I been down with him for three years, through everything. I just want him to treat me right like I deserve to be. I know Snook got a good heart, I wouldn't be with him if he didn't. He just got issues. I know he loves me, I just want him to respect me enough to be faithful.

It drives me up the damn wall everyday worrying about him. Whether or not he's safe, or out in the streets with some hoe.

I looked around his car hoping he left his phone. But he didn't. I tried putting in my airpods to listen to some music while I waited for him to come out the store, when I dropped one on the side of the seat. When I bent down to pick it up I saw an ID. It belonged to some bitch.
"I knew it." I said letting out a wry laugh. I got a good look at this hoe. I got lucky. This card had everything I needed to know. Her name was Imani. She lived on 786 Crabtree Circle. And she was 16.
Wait. What the fuck?

I couldn't believe this shit. I know damn well Snook wasn't fucking this little ass girl. I didnt know if I should confront him when he came back or confront her first. But what the fuck I look like fighting this kid? Even if she deserved it.

Soon enough Snook came back to the car with his bag in his hand. He threw it in the back then came back and got in the drivers seat. But before he even got the chance to pull off I went in on his ass.


"YOU FUCKING KIDS NOW?!" Keniyah screamed, throwing her phone at me. "Huh?"

"What the fuck Ken?! What are you even talking about bro!" I said flinching as she continued to smack me on my arms.

"What the fuck is THIS?!" Keniyah shouted, throwing a card at a me. I picked it up out of my lap and looked at it. It was Imani's. Fuck.
"Look Ken—"

"Why that shit say she 16?!" Keniyah screamed, she was crying and everything. My heart sank when she said that shit I wont even lie. I looked at the ID and it was true. What the fuck.

"Ken look I—"

"I cant take this shit no more! It's fucking sad! I look stupid being with you! You always flirting with other girls and that's one thing. But this?! You been fucking her? Huh?" Keniyah sobbed.

I genuinely felt awful seeing Ken crying like that. I can't believe that shit about Imani either. "Keniyah, baby listen—"

"YES OR NO SNOOK?!" She demanded.


"And you still got the nerve to lie right now." She let out a wry laugh. "I can't do this shit right now."
I tried to grab her hand and she snatched away from me . "No Snook. This—this shit is the last straw. I'm done with you." She said wiping her tears.

"Keniyah, baby—stop what are you doing—" I pleaded as she took off her seatbelt. "I love you."

"Fuck you." She said finally, slamming the door.


Imani POV

I sat at my usual lunch table with Mordechai. Me and Kayla still weren't talking. I think she was avoiding me.

"Why that face Mani?" Mordechai asked me, looking up from his phone.

"What face?" I responded

"Is something bothering you?" He asked. I could tell he was genuinely concerned, but it's not like I could tell him. Mordechai always knew when something was off. He was just intuitive like that. i liked that about him but what i didn't like so much is that he would always ask about it. Sometimes people just dont want to be bothered.

Before I could even respond to him Kayla practically stomped to our table. "We need to fucking talk. Right now." She said keeping her voice down, but I could tell she was furious. I got a pit in my stomach, I already knew what she wanted. I didnt want to go with her but I knew if I didn't she would cause even more of a scene. So I reluctantly did. We stopped to talk in an empty hallway outside the cafeteria.

"Really Mani?! You lying on me now?! What the fuck?!" Kayla with a look of disgust on her face. "Just because I left your ass at the mall? Really? After all the shit I done for you as a friend?! Do you know how much trouble I'm in now with my parents?!"  I couldn't help but start crying.  I knew I was wrong for doing that to Kayla, but I had to. I can't let my parents find out. "Oh and now you wanna cry?!"

"I'm the one who's pregnant Kayla.."

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