Chapter 13 - Is he really that bad?

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A/N: just a little heads up...I wrote this chapter with my brain fried by long hours of classes and a devastating episode of Person of Interest (which,in case you hadn't noticed,I LOVE),so...sorry if it looks a little confused or odd..

p.s. like always,please,leave a feedback :)



I'm an idiot, aren't I? Well, I am for many reasons, but right now, specifically for this one.

I was in front of her place, on her lawn, about to knock. What was stopping me? Freaking fear, that's what. Fear of not being able to conceal and dissimulate. Fear of not being able to play my role as I should. Because we'll be alone. Completely alone.

You know, via a freshman kid, yesterday I sent her my number. For a simple reason: I was expecting her, almost wanted her to just call off everything, so I sent her my number, this way she had a less intimidating way of ditching me, but she didn't ... not sure if it's good or not. She could have texted me, making up whatever excuse not to have this meeting, but she didn't. And I've been mulling over it, like the idiot I am.

I know, I know, it's just a study afternoon, just a damn fairy tale to work on. But it's the closest we've ever been. And right now, despite being a big boy, despite being Washington High's nightmare, despite being the demon everybody sees me as, I'm nearly freaking out. No, no nearly. I am freaking out. Because we'll be alone. And I'm not too sure I can hold myself back.

Since yesterday, I've been wondering if I should drop my mask for once and be gentle with her or just keep on being peevish, so that she'll be scared off. In the end I decided I'd see right then, now ... now I'm freaking out. Because I know I can act only to certain extents with her. Because I know that if I'm kind, she'll freak out, because she's expecting this wicked bad boy all school fears, not ... me. Well, not whatever is left of the real me, the one I used to be once. Till everything crumbled down.

Honestly, I can't even remember when was the last time I felt normal or even ... peaceful. No, wait, there is a time. It dates back to ten years ago, but it's a memory I'll be preserving with all my might. Till the end. At least that.

I took a deep breath and knocked. I almost hoped she wasn't be home. I almost hoped she'd bale on me. I shouldn't be so afraid of remaining all alone with her, actually, I should be glad. Yet ...



Ok, I've been nervous all yesterday and this morning, I did sleep, but something in the pit of my stomach kept giving me an odd churn. Fears were always there, but not quite ... strong. Maybe because I've been thinking and rethinking ... he cannot be that bad as they say he is.

I'm not saying we could be friends or something, but I've come to the conclusion that maybe ... just, maybe ... he won't tear me apart at the first chance he gets. A chance I'm offering him on a silver plate, since we'll be alone the whole afternoon ...

Mom is at work, like always and ... accidentally, she might not ... know that I have a guest today ... I didn't tell her because I knew she wouldn't agree. Besides, Eric and will be done before she even comes home, I'm sure, so it's not really a huge problem ... I think.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard knocking on my door. I'd been purposefully sitting in the kitchen so that I couldn't hear the car pulling over my driveway and therefore not freak out at every vehicle I heard outside. I've worked this morning, just to keep my mind free.

Sophie did ask why did I need the afternoon off, well more like inquired if I was seeing my boyfriend, which had me blushing and trying to explain that I was seeing a boy, but that he wasn't my boyfriend, neither my friend, for what it matters. I don't think she believed me, but whatever.

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