Chapter 10 - The other side of the coin

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A/N: quite a short chapter,sorry,but I thought it was better to put this other point of view solo (: it's just a snippet,but more will come :D



"There you are ..." She greeted, in her usual mellifluous tone, a flirtatious smile on her lips, once she reached me beneath the bleachers, where I was leaning on the wall, arms crossed, waiting exactly for her.

"To what the honor of being summoned? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me anymore." And she's damn right. I'm tired of her mean attitude. Since I didn't reply, Dana got closer and brushed my arm, quite ... sensually.

"Or should I think you've changed your mind?" She asked. To anybody, her tone would have sounded just sensual and flirtatious, to me, I knew it was more hopeful. If I can push her to do what I want, it's not because she fears me, like everybody, actually ... it's the exact opposite.

There was a time when I would have lingered in her clutches, but today ... no, if she did what I think, then there's no flirting that will make me change my mind.

"What did you do to her?" I asked, my voice hoarse for not having been talking since a while. Dana's smile vanished, because she knew who was I talking about and, judging from her guilty countenance, she also knew I was mad at her for this. Yet, she dissimulated: "Her? I don't know what you're ..."

"Don't play dumb with me, Langley. I know you better than my pockets." She glared at me, which is fine, because she normally does that, and it doesn't really touch me. Opposite to some other frightened looks I receive, which make my heart sink every damn time ... Crossing her arms, Dana stared me down, well, tried to. I'm not that easy to intimidate, you know.

"I did nothing." She stated. I looked up at her. That was my turn to glare and she took a step back, knowing not to mess with me when I get mad. I don't hit girls, no, that'd be coward, but she knows I'm not one to play with.

"Nothing? Then why was she crying in the middle of the hall?" I spat, not really caring about keeping my anger.

I hate seeing her weak, I hate that she doesn't even believe in herself, not enough to stand up to this haughty cheerleader that is my ex. Yes, Dana and I had a thing going, well, more than a thing ... we've kept it a secret, not even her circle knows that we've been together, although, truth be told, our together was more in the sheets than on dates, if you know what I mean.

Dana sighed, rolling her eyes. "Always protecting her, huh? What is she to you for being so protective over her?" She wondered. I said wondered and not asked because she knows damn well what is Natalie to me.

Actually, except for Kyle, only she knows. But I haven't told Kyle, he just knows. That's because we're closer than we both like to admit, so he can read me, just like I can read through that fake façade he's been putting on since he arrived here with his swagger.

"I thought I'd told you to let her be." I nearly barked, although in my usual low tone, ignoring her comment. She sighed, crossing her arms, her long fingers patting on her forearm.

Sometimes I think all of her beauty goes wasted, just because she likes acting like a bitch. I know her enough to be sure she isn't truly like that, she just puts a mask on, so that people will love her and fear her at the same time.

I won't say she's weak, because she isn't, we're similar at least in that, but deep down, she's more than all the fashion clothes and cured appearance, damn more than the venomous cobra she acts as. That's why I stuck around her more than due.

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