5|| More Questions, Less Time

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I cursed to myself waking up in a room I've never been in before.

Luckily for me, I remember everything that happened last night.

We finally got to his place. He had a roommate Axel. If I didn't like Dean, I might want Axel.

He introduced me, and we sat on the couch talking for a little bit about what was new.

I started getting hungry so he made me a sandwich that I ate in 10 seconds. I was starving, but not just for food.

I didn't want to flirt with Dean. I knew him and I knew he had changed. As much as I wanted to think he was this douchebag who would fuck any girl he met, I was wrong. He was a good guy.

I must've passed out on the couch and big surprise, I woke up in his bed. He must've just wanted me in his bed.

I vaguely remember me flirting a little more, but he was enjoying it. I think he wanted to do the same, but it was too hard to tell because I was very drunk.

"Morning." a familiar voice greets me.

I look up and see his messy hair, but it looks like he's been up for a few hours.

"Good morning." I smile at him and looked at the clock 11:27 AM. Damn I can sleep.

He has water and something else in his hand "Here is some ibuprofen and water."

Why can't he just be mean and a player like I though he would be?

"Thanks! And thank you for letting me stay here for the night and text Amanda that I was okay."

"Anytime." he smiled at me

"I don't know what your plans are or how long you are staying, but we could grab some lunch if you want." He tells me

"Yeah, that'd be great." I say trying to play it cool when on the inside I was screaming.

"I just need to go back to the sorority house and get my change of clothes."

He nodded, "We can head out whenever you're ready."

I hopped out of bed and followed him out of the room. I noticed a shirtless Axel standing behind the counter making himself lunch.

"Hey, Athena." he greeted me with a pretty smile on his face.

"Hey, Axel! What are you making?" I ask.

"I don't really know. I was trying to make something appetizing, but now I've lost my appetite looking at this disgusting 'meal'".

I walk over to him laughing, and quickly realizing he was right.

"Here, watch." I grab a few pieces of bread and throw some various meats and other ingredients he had out on the table trying to make a decent sandwich for him.

"Wow, how'd you do that?" He said seriously, making me laugh.

"Just comes naturally." We both share a few laughs and I look back into the living room where Dean is.

"You about ready?" He asked me


Once Dean and I get to the sorority house, I go to the room where I was supposed two be staying to change into clean clothes. I open the door and find Amanda and that random dude she was making out with last night in the bed.

Boy am I glad I stayed somewhere else.

I hop in the shower to rinse off real quick. I didn't need to wash my hair because it was't dirty, and I also didn't want to make Dean wait too long. Once I was down showering, I put on my outfit. I'm wearing cute denim shorts with a grey tank top under my white shirt. I threw some sandals on and was ready.

My Brother's Best FriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant