Chapter 34

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An hour later, the sun was setting, the sky an array of orange and pink hues, and almost everyone was beginning to drink now. I started earlier than most at beach parties, but I think others would agree that the early drinking was warranted, considering the circumstances. I told Blakely that I was going to go home because I didn't want to be around when Aaron and his asshole friends started drinking. Whenever they began drinking, trouble usually wasn't far behind. They were notorious for starting fights. So the farther away from them I could get, the better. 

"Do you mind if we go ahead and leave?" I turned toward Easton. 

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Easton got up off the towel and offered me his hand. 

He went and grabbed his t-shirt and slides while I shook the sand off my towel and rolled it up to stick it back in my backpack. Blakely told me to text her when it was safe to come over to get her things because she would want to know what happened on the way home. I promised her that I would text her the minute Easton left the house. 

"Are you ready to go?" Easton asked, holding out his hand. 

I took his hand. "Yes." 

"Do you care if I walk with you two?" Blakely asked, gathering up her stuff. 

"No." I motioned her to come on. 

We started walking together to the edge of the beach toward the parking lot, talking about Avery's party next Friday. I had Blakely promise that she wouldn't let me drink that much ever again. Easton turned to me and said that he'd be with me the whole time and that he'd make sure I wouldn't drink that much. 

Easton parked farther down from Blakely's car, so I hugged her and whispered that I'd text her later after he left. We waited for her to get in her car and back out of the parking spot before we started walking to his car. 

"Are you hungry?" Easton asked 

"A little bit." 

"Can I get you something to eat before I take you home? We can go through the drive-thru and park somewhere and eat if you want?" 

"Okay." I smiled. 

He opened the door for me, walked around the front of the car, and got in. "What sounds good?" He asked, turning around to look out the rear window as he started to back out. 

"You know me." I smiled. 

"Cheeseburger and fries it is." 

"Are you mad that I didn't want to go out on a date tonight?" I asked, looking down at my hands. 

"No. Why would I be mad?" He reached over, placing his hand on top of mine. 

"I don't know." I stared down at his large hand, covering both of my tiny hands. 

He drove us to one of the best local places for cheeseburgers and fries. It was designed like back in the sixties, where you drive up, order, and bring your food out to you on a tray. And every once in a while, the girls would wear roller skates to help get the orders out faster. 

I was able to sit there and relax, not having to worry about someone showing up and causing shit with us because everyone was still partying at the beach. And for a change, it was nice to be able to sit there and enjoy being with him, not having to look around us waiting for someone to say or do something. Yet, I still found myself looking out the windows as if Savannah or one of her bitch ass friends were waiting for the right moment to attack. 

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Easton asked. 

"I don't know." 

"How about we get coffee tomorrow and go from there?" 

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