Chapter 32

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I knew Gavin had no idea what I meant by my comment before I stormed off and would ask me about it later. He had no right to stick up for Easton. I can't believe I asked him for his help; what was I thinking? 

I kept walking along the beach, letting my toes sink in the sand. I just needed to separate myself from the drama for a few minutes. Even though I had created part of this drama, I didn't like being in the middle of it. No matter what I did to avoid it, I still found myself in the middle of everything. I was getting sick of it, to be honest. 


I closed my eyes, stopped, and turned around to see Easton running up behind me. "What do you want? Why can't you just leave me alone?" 

"Because I want to know why you are so mad at me so I can make it right." He moved closer to me. 

"Why don't you go find out what's wrong with Savannah?" I turned to walk away. 

"Because I don't give a shit what's wrong with Savannah! Damn it! I'm in love with you!" 

I stood there facing away from him, watching the waves crash into the shore, trying to process what he had just said to me. Well, rather yelled at me. "How can you say you love me? You don't even know me?" I whispered, turning around to face him.

"I know enough, and you aren't like a lot of these girls at school." He moved closer to me, lowering his head down close to my ear, his breath hot on my neck. His hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He smelled of cinnamon and maybe cedar. I wasn't sure, but it was heavenly. Before I could stop myself, I raised my arms around his neck, pulling him tighter into me. "I could kiss you right now." He whispered. "Only if you want me to." His mouth moved closer to my neck, his lips barely brushing against my skin. 

"Yes," I whispered. 

His soft lips were on mine, his tongue teasing and playing. My breathing quickened, and my heart beat wildly as electricity from his touch surged through my body. He kissed the corners of my mouth as he gripped me tighter, letting me rest my head on his chest, breathing him in. We stood there in each other's arms, facing the ocean, watching the waves wash to shore. I was afraid to move for fear he'd disappear, and this all would have been a dream, and I'd wake up in the middle of my bed. 

Easton told me that we probably needed to go back with everyone else before they got suspicious and came looking for us. I knew he was right, but I didn't want to go back down there with all the drama. Easton kissed my cheek, then let me go so we could start walking back. Easton again asked me why I was so mad at him earlier on our way back to the group. 

"Why can't you just let it go? You're going to ruin a perfect moment." I sighed. 

"I don't want to ruin our moment. I just want to make sure you aren't mad." He reached over and gently took my hand. 

"I'm not mad. I promise." I reached over and kissed him. 

"Okay. Can I make it up to you tonight? A real date. Anywhere you want to go." He pulled me closer to him, kissing my neck and the corners of my mouth and biting my bottom lip, teasing me. He knew what he was doing to me and enjoyed every second of it. "Do you want me to stop?" He whispered close to my ear, his breath hot on my skin. 

"No." I turned my head slightly, our lips barely touching, eyes locked in a smoldering gaze. 

"How about I kiss you more tonight on our date?" 

"What about if Savannah shows up again?" 

"I'll take care of her. I'm sorry I didn't do that last night." 

I figured the closer we got to the group, he would've let go of my hand, but he didn't; he pulled me closer. I was expecting some stares and wide-eyed looks, but nothing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I wanted someone to be surprised by us walking up hand-in-hand because we had shown absolutely no affection toward one another at school for the past week. I just wanted to stand there in the middle of everyone and scream for someone to look at us. Then, they would've really thought I'd lost my damn mind. 

Easton leaned down, gave me a quick kiss, told me he'd be back in a little bit, and headed over with the guys to play football. I looked down at Blakely, who was lying there on her towel with her sunglasses down, her mouth wide open. 

"What?" I laid down on my towel. 

She raised up on her elbows, staring over at me, not saying a word. I could feel the judgment coming from behind her sunglasses. "What happened to I don't like him?" She finally managed to spit out. 

"What?" I said, looking away. 

"Look at me, Chelsi. Chelsi...Chelsi, I want you to look at me and tell me you don't like him." 

 I turned my head toward her. "I. I don't..." 

"That's what I thought." She smiled. 

I rolled over on my side toward her. "He kissed me," I whispered. 

"Oh my god! I told you he liked you." Blakely smiled. 

"Shhh, Will you be quiet?" I help my finger up to my mouth. 

"What? I think it's great! It's about time you two confess your feelings. Who cares what Savannah and her bitch ass friends think? I hope he puts an end to their so-called relationship finally. Besides, I'm sure she'll be just fine with Gavin back." 

Author's Note :

I hope you are enjoying the book. It's about time Easton came around and kissed Chelsi. Did you see that coming?  

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