Chapter 19: Sneaky

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Hanji's POV

Today would be the first day when Onyankonpon visits after Raven was born. And of course, Raven wouldn't stop her crying. I gently rocked her, hushing her. But it doesn't work. Her pale skin began to turn red as she cried. Her cries were so loud that you could hear them for meters away. I tried feeding her, but it wasn't that. Her diaper was clean too. We even change them just in case if it made her uncomfortable. 

Dr. Annis had an emergency to attend to, so she couldn't take her for an hour or two. 

"He should be here any minute- can't we put her to sleep?" Levi hisses, trying to hide the bottles and other baby stuff in sight.

"I don't even know how to put her to sleep nicely!" I shouted back to him, and it made the crying worse. "Levi, I don't know what to do..."

"Give her to me."

I do so, and she quickly stops her crying. She wanted to be held by her father?! Raven!

Levi gently cradled the baby, sighing and shaking his head. "Great... Hanji, clean up the baby stuff. I'll try to settle her in bed." He slowly wheels himself into the bedroom, leaving the door cracked open.

In no time, Levi left the room with Raven quiet. "How did you do it? Keep her quiet and got her to sleep?"

"I don't know. It just happens."

"It doesn't just happen, Levi. She's favoriting her father more than me- that's not fair! I'm the one who gave birth to her... and she would rather be put to bed by her father and not me."

Levi gives a small chuckle, putting the kettle of water over the fireplace. "Who's the jealous one now, Hanji? You always had those titans as your pets and they pretty much fawned over you. Maybe because they wanted to eat you, but still, you considered them as your babies. Now, it's my turn to have our baby love me more."

My arms crossed slightly, as I shook my head. "But she's sleeping, right?"

"When I left the room, yeah, she was sleeping."

"Good. Just in time, too." I pointed out the window, seeing a carriage pull up about 5 meters away.  "He's here. Oh, and the baby stuff is already hidden. Everything's fine." 

Levi took one look around the room before pointing at the bookshelf. "You missed one- there's a baby book up there. Might want to hide it in the guest room. I don't want Raven to wake up if someone walks into the room."

My eyes rolled as I did what he said. I shouldn't be told what to do in my house! I know it's our house, but still, he shouldn't tell me what to do. Even so, he has a good point." I do what he asked and came back just in time to hear Onyankonpon knock on the door. Levi winced in fear of Raven crying, but nothing happened. A sigh of relief escaped our lips as Raven remained silent.

I opened the door, greeting Onyankonpon in somewhat of a hushed tone. "Ah, Onyankonpon, welcome."

"Hanji, Levi, good afternoon." He held a large bag of groceries as he walked into the room. "How are you guys doing?"

"We're doing fine," Levi says with a smile, leaning back in his wheelchair.

"It's nice to see you smile like that, Levi. And, I do have some news for you. It doesn't affect you two, just me." He clears his throat after he puts down the bag on the kitchen counter. "I'll be away in Marley for a year or two. I wouldn't be able to leave and come back to visit you. I thought I should tell you guys this."

"Ah... what's going on in Marley?"

"Nothing much, Hanji. They asked Armin and me to help make some new blimps or aircraft."

"What?!" I quickly shut my mouth, almost forgetting about Raven in the other room. "W-Wow, that sounds amazing, Onyankonpon. I wish I could be a part of it. Oh, and even ride in it."

Onyankonpon laughs at me, and I see Levi glaring at him with jealousy. "If I could, you would be one of the first people to use it officially. But because you are shown as dead, Hanji, I'm afraid that cannot be done. However, perhaps one day I could give a private flight for the two of you. Although I will have to fill out a lot of paperwork for why I took it out, I think for one day, it'll be alright."

"I would love that Onyankonpon."

Levi clears his throat before he pushes himself towards our bedroom. "I'll be back."


I smiled, turning back to Onyankonpon. We were talking about a lot more updates about Marley and Armin. More so on Armin. I know I put a burden on his shoulders by declaring him as commander. But from Onyankonpon's words, Armin has been handling himself well. The more and more I hear praise for him, it fills my heart with warmth and joy. He's always been a shy one, especially since Erwin used to give him private lessons on how to use his brain. He was going to be commander one day or another. He was just built for it.

Levi comes back after a while, clearly smiling. He loves Raven... more than anything. I remember he first denied the idea of having another baby, but now... I think he might want another one.

"Well, I'll best be going." Onyankonpon began to pack up his things before he froze in place. A cold shiver ran down my back as he picked up a small bottle. "What's this?"

"Dr. Annis might've left it here," I say, trying to grit my teeth from telling the truth. "She said she had a baby to attend to. Not her own, but another one of her patients. We were holding onto it because we didn't want to disturb her working. She has an emergency right now, you know."

Onyankonpon put the bottle onto the counter, smiling. "Alright then. I'll see you guys next month?"

"When are you leaving for Marley again?"

"3 months."

"Alright." Levi sighed, smiling. "See you later, Onyankonpon." Once Onyankonpon was out of sight, Levi whacked me with the back of his hand. "I thought you said you got all the baby stuff into the guest room!"

"I must've missed one... sorry."

"Well, you gave a pretty good lie. Good thinking, Hanji."

"Is Raven awake?"

Levi nods his head, "Want to go say hi to her?"

I smiled back to him running towards her. "Of course I do."

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