Setting the Trap

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  We hid in an alley next to a seafood restaurant as the Sanderson Sisters sauntered to look for us.
Max kicked the side of a dumpster in anger, "This is really bad!" he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
"We'll find a solution," I promised Max. "But the question is, what are we going to do?"

Allison got up from her hiding spot and accidentally pushed open a rusty old oven, "I have an idea."

Soon we were running to the high school and we had a plan to kill the witches with fire.

Allison and I went ahead to the art studio to heat up the oven where people stored their pottery after it was complete.
Thackery and Dani set up a radio to play back audio that had a woman speaking from French to English.

Max picked the lock of the principal's office and plugged in the intercom and turned on the speaker, and then our plan was put into motion.
"Welcome to high school hell, my name is Boris Karloff Jr." Max laughed maniacally for extra emphasis.
We heard the footsteps of Winifred, Sarah, and Mary carefully walking down the hall.

"Tonight's contestants are Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson."

"What is this tomfoolery?" Winifred scowled. "Tomfoolery! Tomfoolery!" Sarah began to sing insanely. Winnie must have hit her because she cried in pain and stopped singing.
"Is this place a prison?" Mary asked intrigued, she giggled madly under her breath.
"Yes, 'tis a prison for children," Winifred explained gruffly.
"Is there a torture chamber?" Mary wanted to know more.
"The entire place is a torture chamber!" The eldest sister giggled wickedly.
Allison and I were fighting back laughter because it was true, high school was a torture chamber.
"Hello, where is the library?" The voice from the CD player asked. "Bonjour, où est la bibliothèque?"

"I would like to check out a children's book." The voice requested.

"Who is that?" Sarah asked stupidly. "I don't know, but she seems to know where the children are." Winifred said hopefully.

"Where's the children's books?" The voice asked in English. "Où sont les livres pour efants?" we were beginning to lose hope that they would find the radio.
Our hopes were raised when they finally walked into the heating room and then they found the radio trying to find the voice.
Allison and I jumped into action and shut the door and locked it.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Winifred shrilled. "Vengeance!" I yelled in fury. I pushed the button to turn on the heat and I raised the temperature as high as it would go.
Like Hansel and Gretel, we had put the evil witches in the oven and escaped the trap.

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