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In the early hours of the morning, Aunt Sarah got her broom out of the closet and flew away. She was using her enchanting voice to lure children to our house.
Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come little children
The times' come to play
Here in my garden of magic.

Us witches were immune to her enchantment, but the innocent minds of children were not.

I got up from my cot and snuck out of the house without being detected.
When I got to town, I saw Thackery looking distressed. "Emily!" he called desperately.
I instantly ran to him and embraced him, "What is it, darling?"
"Emily is gone, I've looked everywhere." "Where hast thou seen her last?" I inquired, trying to calm him down.
"At my house, when I awoke this morning she was gone," Thackery replied.
Suddenly, we saw purple smoke rising from the chimney of my house.
"My aunts, they conjure." I got the chills. We ran to the direction of my house, and we saw little Emily running towards it, she was following Aunt Sarah!
"Emily." Thackery called again, but she didn't stop to turn around. The trance had completely taken hold of her.
The two of us ran as fast as we could, but Sarah had taken Emily inside. She would be in mortal danger.

  Aunt Winnie opened the windows of the house and Thackery and I hid.
"Oh look, another glorious morning," she scowled.
"Makes me sick."
"Sisters." she called to the other witches. Luckily, she closed the window and Thackery and I were able to continue on with our plan.
We approached the base of the house and attempted to peek through the window, and the witches  gathered around Emily. The little girl saw us and her blue eyes widened in fear.
  My aunts turned around and we hid once again. We had to find another way inside because my escape route blocked off.

"My darling," I saw Aunt Winnie pick up the spell book from another table, "My little book. We must continue our spell now that our guest of honor has arrived. Wake up," she spoke to the book like it was her pet.

"Bring to a full rolling bubble; add two drops of oil of boil. Mix blood of an owl with the herb that's red. Turn three times, pluck a hair from my head. Add a dash of pox and a dead man's toe!" she read. "A dead man's toe and make it a fresh one." she commanded her sisters.

"Dead man's toe." Aunt Sarah chirped. "Dead man's toe. Add a dead man's toe." she danced all around the room with insanity.

Thackery and I climbed the waterwheel, and it lifted us up to the window of the loft I slept in. We hurried to the darkest part of the loft to remain undetected. 

The witches were brewing the potion, and it gave off an eerie green glow. "One drop of this and her life will be mine," Winifred grinned, and then she corrected herself, "I mean, ours."
She walked to Emily menacingly with a large spoon, "Alright girl, open up your mouth."

  Thackery seethed with anger, "No!"

"A boy!" my aunts yelled. "Get him you fools!" Winnie ordered.

They tried to catch Thackery. Sarah and Mary attempted to detain him, but he was too fast for them. I ran down the stairs and used my magic to shock the two witches.
"Destiny thou little vixen!" Winifred shouted. "I learned from the best," I glared.
Thackery pushed the cauldron full of the evil potion and it pushed into Sarah and Mary, knocking them to the floor.
"My potion!" Aunt Winnie cried.
She used her powers to catch Thackery, and all I could do was watch in horror.
"Leave him alone!" I screamed at her. "I wish I could, but I don't want to." She laughed, along with Sarah and Mary.
Suddenly, she shot him with green sparks and he fell to the floor.
"Thackery!" I went to help him up, but Aunt Mary shoved me into a chair and forced me to watch what they were going to do next.
Emily's life force was glowing from within her, and my aunts drained every single ounce of it. Emily Binx was dead.
My aunts looked completely different, they weren't old hags anymore.
"I am beautiful! Boys will love me!" Aunt Sarah flounced her curly blonde hair.
Mary's eyes were wild with excitement, "We're young!"
"Well, younger," Aunt Winnie said. "But it's a start!" she cackled.
The three witches danced around the room in celebration while Thackery and I were left helpless.
"Winnie, thou art a mere sprig of a girl." Mary said happily.
"I shall be a sprig forever when we suck the lives out of the children of Salem!"
Thackery woke up from being unconscious and attempted to get himself up.
Mary had cast a binding spell on me, I used my powers to break it off me.
"Let's brew another batch," Winnie started.
"You hag! There aren't enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful." Thackery scowled with hatred.
"Even if there were thou wouldst still be ugly and horrible!" I spat.
"Sisters did you hear what those little brats called you?"
"What shall we do with him?" Winnie stared at Thackery dangerously.
"Let's barbecue and filet him," Mary said hungrily.
"No, this punishment needs to be more lingering."
The spell book floated to Winnie and she began to flip through it to find the perfect punishment.
"Ah ha! His punishment shall not be to die, but to live forever with his guilt."
"As what? Winnie, as what?"

The evil witch silenced them and began to chant an initiation, "Twist the bones and bend the back," Mary and Sarah joined in the chanting.
I couldn't let them hurt Thackery. The white sparks in my hand were brewing and I was ready to defend him and myself.
"Trim him of his baby fat. Give him fur black as black just like this!"
Thackery screamed in pain and began to shrink in front of my eyes.
"NO!!!" I screamed as tears cascaded down my cheeks. I sobbed until my chest began to hurt.
Thackery was gone and in front of me there was a black cat glaring at the witches.
Sarah bent down to pet the cat, but he hissed at her, and Winifred and Mary began to laugh.
I got up from my chair and snatched the spell book away.
"Thou wilt perish for thy wickedness!" I had never felt this angry in my life.
The witches just cackled. "Destiny is being funny," Sarah giggled stupidly.
"And what art thou going to do, little girl?" Winifred sneered.
"I will live forever while thou faces the hangman's noose!" The spell book automatically flipped open to an immortality spell.
I read the incantation and light blue sparks flew over my head.
I was grateful the spell worked, and I would remain sixteen forever.
Just then pounding erupted from the house, the villagers had found out about Emily's disappearance and were gathered to kill the witches.
"Witches! Daughters of darkness, open this door!" Governor Binx ordered.
"Help me, they try to kill me!" I screamed in terror.
"Save the girl!" someone screamed. I broke a window and climbed out of the house and ran to the mob.

Governor Binx saw me and hugged me, "Art thou alright?" "Aye, it was a narrow escape," I hugged him. I was grateful I would be spared because they knew of my situation despite the fact I had witch blood.
Then Sarah had accidentally confessed to their evil plan, because the three witches were dragged out of the house by the hair and then had nooses wrapped around their necks.
After hours of interrogation, Winifred still wouldn't confess.
"I will ask thee one final time." "Yes?" Winnie asked with surprise.
"What hast thou done with my son Thackery?" he growled.
"Thackery," she rolled her eyes. "Answer me!" "Well I don't know, cat's got my tongue!" Winnie and her sisters cackled and the black cat hissed.
"You horrible creatures!" I screamed in hatred at the three women who caused me pain and heartache my entire life.
"Sisters. Sing!"
The rest of us covered our ears as they sang. Even though I was immune to their enchantments I didn't want to hear what horrible things they were singing about.
Winifred made a threat that three hundred years from now, her and my aunts would come back from the dead when someone lights the Black Flame Candle.
That was when the witches met their end.
I lived with the Binx family until they passed away in their later years, leaving me alone. Centuries sped like a moving clock.
I was still sixteen years old, but when the year 1993 came around, I had turned three-hundred and sixteen.
The anniversary of my aunts' deaths would be celebrated by those who now lived in Salem. People loved to celebrate Halloween. The more I learned about it, the more I loved it as well.
I made a new friend, his name was Max Dennison, he and his family moved from California and he wasn't taking it well. I had sympathy for him, but his situation was less horrific than mine.
Max and I stuck together and I no longer felt like an outcast. My fellow classmates at the high school I was attending new of my lineage to the Sanderson Sisters and would more often than not tease me for it, but Max always did his best to defend me.

For the first time in three-hundred years, I felt happy. I was able to live life as a normal teenager, for now.

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