How You Met

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So this isn't necessarily how you started 'dating' your slasher, just how you met! Could be a good meeting or a scary meeting

It was Halloween of 1979, you'd decided to dress as a creepy murderer with a white mask and plastic knife for a Halloween party. On your way there, you saw him- standing dead still in the middle of the street under a street lamp. He was wearing an outfit similar to yours, but definitely creepier. A white mask with black scraggly hair, a blue boiler suit, and a huge kitchen knife. The fact he'd used a real one was a really nice touch.

You were jealous and approached him fearlessly to gush over how great his costume was. He never uttered a word though, only stood still and stared at you, occasionally tilting his head. As you introduced yourself, he gazed towards a house down the street. You recognized it as Tommy Doyle's house, you babysat for him before. 

His attention was soon forced back onto you as you grabbed his hand to pull him along with you, he'd completely tuned out your insisting to come to the party. Silently he followed your lead and spent the entire night hovering around you. At some point, it was time to go home though; but the man continued to follow you around.

You waved goodbye but he kept walking behind you, you made it all the way home with the man at your heels and you felt obligated to invite him in... As soon as you came in, you turned on the TV to sit down and relax. But what showed up on the screen made your blood run cold: a news alert about a man matching his exact description had escaped Smithsgrove, he was armed and dangerous and standing in your living room.

One year, Bubba had managed to convince Drayton to bring him along to the annual chili contest where they'd serve their special recipe. He was allowed to go under several conditions: he had to be clean, couldn't wear his mask, and couldn't touch ANYTHING. The townspeople knew little about the true Sawyers, they only knew what Drayton would tell them at these contests.

To the town, Bubba was just a sweet special nonverbal boy. You attended the contest this year and had the pleasure of meeting Bubba there, the moment he laid eyes on you he couldn't take them off. He blushed bright red as you approached him and Drayton, but his uncle wasn't quite as happy about your presence after what you said to him.

You'd tried a few chili recipes already and were full, you honestly just attended to support a friend who entered. By the time you got to the Sawyers, you declined a taste and waved politely to Bubba who stared at you with big sparkling eyes. He smiled, showing his sharp messy teeth. The contest was coming to a close as the winners were picked, you were excited to hear your friend won second place- meanwhile Drayton won first.

Bubba squealed excitedly as his Uncle was handed a big blue ribbon and you smiled at the sweet boy. As you were getting ready to leave, you felt something brush the tips of your fingers and you turned to see him reaching for your hand. He opened his mouth slightly as if he were going to make a noise but Drayton grabbed him quickly and yanked him away. You felt bad but had a feeling it wouldn't be the last you'd see of Bubba.

One summer you tagged along with some friends on a road trip around Louisiana. Your friends aren't the best planners though and hadn't accounted for the weather... The trip hit a rough patch as a massive thunderstorm rolled through and nearly destroyed your camp you'd set up in a quiet patch of woods. You were sure the tents would fly away, even with you in them, but you'd luckily been rescued by a young man in a truck.

He introduced himself as Bo Sinclair and you'd immediately grown to like him a lot more than your friends. He brought you into his small town named Ambrose where he offered you a place to sleep st his own home. The others were hesitant but you accepted, knowing your camp wouldn't make it through the night. Bo happily took care of you and tried to be nice to your friends as well, but there was obvious tension.

Things didn't stay cheery for long though, your friends had learned the truth about the Sinclairs and they'd angered Vincent. Bo felt something though, so he vowed to not hurt you and even extended the offer to your friends. They thought it was a trap, so they left and tried to drag you along with them.

Under the impression Bo was innocent, you'd wanted to stay. But, you knew you couldn't. So you agreed to go with your friends, but not without giving Bo the promise that you'd come to visit. And, against your friends' wishes, you followed through on that promise.

One summer you tagged a- okay yeah so the set up is exactly the same as Bo, but this time it's Lester who picks you up. When he drops you off in town, Bo is nowhere to be seen but Lester insists you should spend the night in the house anyway, saying his brothers are "around here somewhere".

You all reluctantly agree to stay in the house and camp out together in the living room. When they're all fast asleep as the storm outside continues, you find yourself awake and unable to doze off. You feel like something is wrong and you catch a shadowy figure moving in the corner of your eye. You got up and tiptoed around in the dark house to find out who or what it is.

You follow the figure to the kitchen, where you see it rummaging around on the counter. Once it turns, you're met with a man in a pale wax mask molded directly onto his skin. It took you by surprise and gave you the creeps, but the man was rather sweet to you. He was shy and didn't speak, you put the pieces together and assumed he must have had some accident leaving him disfigured.

You introduced yourself to the man softly and he extended his hand for you to shake. Not long after you found him in the kitchen, another man popped in and turned the light on. It was Bo Sinclair, and he introduced you to his twin brother Vincent.

You lived relatively close to the mysterious town of Ambrose and had heard horror stories of people vanishing around it. One day you felt like being adventurous and exploring the woods close to the town. You didn't have the guts to actually go into town, but you wanted to look around the area surrounding it. Maybe you'd see something spooky and have a scary story of your own to tell.

To your satisfaction- but also disgust- you did in fact find something spooky. A massive pit of rotting animal corpses... The smell was horrific and the noise of flies buzzing around the pit was nearly deafening. The only thing louder was an old truck approaching the pit. Your were spooked by the truck and felt the instinct to run, but instead you started to slide and tumble down the edge of the hill leading to the pit.

Miraculously you'd caught yourself on a tree and held on to it for dear life. A young skinny man popped out of the truck with a worried look on his face and he called out for you to hold on as he ran towards you. You were on a steep hill hugging a tree to avoid falling into a pit so there wasn't anywhere you could run to avoid the man, all you could do was stand there and hope that he was friendly.

Luckily, he was. Very much so, actually. He helped you off of the steep hill and tended to your scrapes and cuts from the tumble. He told you his name was Lester and offered to give you a ride. You sheepishly agreed, but didn't want this stranger knowing where you lived, so you asked to be taken to the entrance of Ambrose. You figured it'd be easier to find your way home on the road then in the woods, you weren't actually going IN to Ambrose... He smiled and said something you didn't want to hear, he actually lives there.

You'd become the new nanny for the Heelshire home, expecting it to be a normal rich kid job. To your surprise, the rich kid in question was actually a life sized porcelain doll wearing a little suit and shoes. That's not creepy at all.

You kept an open mind though, and continued to care for the doll. It wasn't long before the doll started to move around when you weren't looking, scaring the shit out of you. You tried your best to keep calm but it was getting to be too much... You hadn't heard from the Heelshires in weeks and the money had stopped coming, so you didn't see a reason to stay.

As you were packing your things and getting ready to leave, you looked up to see the doll sitting on your pillow gazing soullessly at you. You shoved the doll under the pillow to hide it and kept packing, but stopped dead in your tracks when you heard shuffling inside the walls. The noise moved all throughout the room and made its way to the full body mirror, which began to crack as something pounded on it.

You froze and went pale as the mirror shattered and a tall man emerged from it. He had on a porcelain mask matching the doll's face and stared at you with black eyes. He moved towards you slowly and your legs locked up, keeping you in place. He only said one word to you, "Stay."

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