Vincent's ABC

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A. Affection: Vincent falls under the same awkward middle ground as Michael, he isn't overly affectionate. He does love your affection though. Of the Sinclairs, he is by far the kindest but he's just REALLY shy.

B. Build: Almost identical to Bo but a little thinner.

C. Cuddling: He's not used to physical affection so he's a little awkward when it comes to returning cuddles. As for receiving, he likes it occasionally- as long as you don't overwhelm him with cuddles.

D. Dancing: You want to dance? Sure~ Vincent is a pretty good dancer, but his taste in music to dance to is pretty dated so... hopefully you like classical!

E. Energy: VERY low energy, he is very introverted and quite the sleepy boy.

F. Funny: Humor isn't his strong point, he isn't particularly funny on accident either like some of the others. This isn't to say he hates humor though, if you tell him a joke he will smile under his mask.

G. Generosity: Vincent is very generous but takes it more seriously, he often goes out of his way to do things for you that are important. He will of course gift you cute non-essential things too but he mainly focuses on making sure all your NEEDS are beyond met.

H. Hair: He is very similar to Michael when it comes to grooming. He doesn't like being hairy on his body and shaves regularly. He does love his long locks though, he brushes his hair thoroughly everyday. Having a disfigured face that affects his hair follicles, he doesn't grow any facial hair at all.

I. Imagination: Vincent is the most imaginative and creative slasher, he expresses himself through art and he is damn good at it. He's your certified art boy and will blow you away with his skills.

J. Jealousy: Jealousy? What's that? Honestly the only way you could make him jealous is if you're better than him at art. He doesn't waste his time worrying about whether or not other guys are into you, he's rational and level headed so he genuinely doesn't care unless you cheat.

K. Kissing: Vincent is actually one of the only slashers in the group to prefer you kiss his mask rather than his face. He is very attached to his mask and has a sort of ghost limb connection with it, he can paradoxically feel you kissing the mask. It's a little weird to get used to, but you understand he's insecure about his deformation.

L. Love language: His love language is being a care giver. He adores doting on you and will show his love by taking care of any needs no matter how big. Need a house? He will get you one.

M. Maturity: Very mature, but not stern or cold. He doesn't really have that silly streak but his seriousness isn't a bummer or a party pooper.

N. Names: He doesn't mind most pet names, the only one he isn't really fond of is Vinny- it brings back some unsettling memories. He's okay with you calling him Vin though.

O. Opening up: Vincent is very secretive about his art, but not to you. He opens up to you about the full truth of how he really makes his art. You're one of the only people alive to know his process of making wax figures.

P. Playful: Not at all. Well, occasionally he will try to be playful by maybe getting paint on you in an attempt to be less stiff and awkward. His playfulness is very subtle and adorable.

Q. Quirk: He treats his mask like real skin. Whatever you put on your face, he will put on his mask. Moisturizer, sun screen, soap...

R. Rarity: He's rarely angry, even if you were to do something that would normally make anyone else furious. That isn't to say you want to make him angry or that you go out of your way to do so, but accidents happen and you're always amazed by how relaxed he is when they do. He didn't even bat an eye when you've accidentally broken one of his wax sculptures.

S. Sensitivity: He's pretty resistant to insults and even handles harsh critiques of his art really well. He's really only sensitive about his physical appearance and will be pretty hurt if someone calls him ugly or makes him feel like he is.

T. Talents: As you can guess Vincent is a very talented artist, but his strong point is really wax sculpting. It's his best form of art and he still amazes you with how realistic his works are.

U. Unfortunately... Communication with Vincent is difficult, he is not only non-verbal but he's also extremely introverted and lacks any communication skill. It's hard to read his emotions and he can be equally as bad at understanding your emotions.

V. Values? He values creativity and honesty above all, he doesn't want to date an unimaginative liar. He appreciates a girl who is passionate about her hobbies and self expression.

W. Wild card time!
What is his favorite movie? Unsurprisingly, visually focused and artistic movies are his favorite. He especially admires The Cell, a visually intriguing movie from y2k.

X. X marks the spot: Vincent is a total sucker for having his back rubbed. Standing in straining positions for hours at a time really takes a toll on his back so he totally melts when you give him a back massage. A nice hot bath followed up by a massage really makes his night.

Y. Your best part: Your brain, you're beautiful and all but what Vincent is most intrigued with is your inner workings. Your personality traits, your interests, your values, your intelligence; he's really drawn to you. He is the ultimate definition of "I like you for you."

Z. Zero tolerance: He will absolutely not tolerate anyone hurting Bo. He is extremely protective and attached (pun not intended) to his twin brother, if you ever did something to hurt him you'd face severe consequences. Maybe he'll be merciful and just cut you off from his life, maybe he'll do worse. Of course, accidents happen and he is rational... if you accidentally did something to Bo, he would be upset still but he'd forgive you.

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