Chapter 12

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The door opened, allowing a dim light to shine from behind the closest woman I ever had to a mother. I wrapped my arms around myself as I looked up at her.

"Tessa? Dear, what's wrong?" Miss R asks me, concern lacing her voice. Her eyebrows scrunch together as her brown hair rests numbly on her shoulders.

I look at her, my entire body soaked from the flash rainstorm, breathing heavily. "M-miss R. C-can I p-please co-ome in?" I plead through chattering teeth.

Holy fudge monkeys it's cold.

She gasps and grabs my arm, yanking me inside the warm, heated townhouse. "Oh! Please, get yourself warmed up." She ushers me in, closing the door and rubbing her hands quickly over my arms to warm me up. "Jordan! Jordan come here! And bring blankets!"

She takes my hand and drags me into the living room and makes me stand right by the fireplace, just as Jordan's heavy steps rush into the living room. "Mom I got the blankets. Why'd you have me bring them--" he cuts off and looks at my disheveled form, probably thinking I got hit by a bus.

After Jill told me I couldn't compete, I ran up to my room and locked myself in. I wouldn't even answer to Julia. Then, when I was sure they were all asleep, I snuck out of the house and ran away, not being able to stay in that horrid place any longer. Then, after a good three miles, I slowed my run to a walk and let the crying begin. To make it even better, just when my eyes couldn't get more puffy, my cheeks more wet or my sniffles any louder, the sky decided to rain. So, while I was walking through the next Flood, I tripped over an uneven path, and ate it on the cement! Then a car drove by and soaked me even more, and so on and so forth...

In other words my night just sucked.

"What happened, Tessa?" Jordan asks frantically, running up and wrapping two warm blankets around me. "Why are you here? Where is Jill? Did she do this? What's wrong? Have you been crying? Why is--"

"Jordy! I'm fine." I say, giving him a small smile.

"No you're not!" He retorts, rubbing his hands up and down my arms to crest friction through the blankets.

I let out a small laugh and pat his cheek. "Really, I'm fine. I just..." I take a deep breath and look at Miss R. "Would you mind if I stayed here for a little bit?"

Miss R smiles at me and places a hand on her shoulder. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Here, let me get you some dry clothes."

She scurries out of the living room as Jordan makes us both sit down on the floor beside the fireplace.

"So," he begins, "want to tell me what happened? Or do I have to force it out of you? Because I am not afraid to bribe you with food." He says sternly.

I let out a small laugh before looking at the fire and letting out a deep breath. The flames move in a quick, wild, and beautiful dance, popping and cracking with each movement.

"Jill... She... She's done something awful..." I say, my voice barely a whisper as my gaze remains frozen on the fire.

"What did she do?" Jordan asks warily, knowing everything that Jill has done to me for the past five years.

I sigh and look at him with tears in my eyes. "She banned me from skating at the competition in two weeks." I tell him sorrowfully.

"What!? Why!? She has no right!" He exclaims, balling his hands into fists.

I sigh and shake my head. "But she does." I say, defeat and sadness filling my voice. "Not only is she my guardian, but my father would want me to respect her wishes."

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