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17. The Party

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I consider myself lucky that I don't have to deal with the aftermath of the news about Ashton and his long-lost daughter. Yet.

The company's monthly magazine was distributed to everyone yesterday but I left for my last client visit before it happened. I can imagine how those eyes would be on me, seizing me up and trying to decide how much of bitch I was if I were there. The CEO's slut.

To add to that, the conversation with Dickson still leaves marks in my head. I know Ashton and I are still at the early stage of getting to know each other, but the intensity of the relationship he had with Diandra for years makes me feel intimidated sometimes. I can't help comparing myself to her, and it's unhealthy.

However, I will deal with all my problems on Monday because my presence, body and soul, is needed right now for Chloe's birthday.

We've agreed that Ashton takes care of the party because he didn't want to put more stress than I was already dealing with at work. Besides, since this year's party is partly to announce Chloe's connection with the well-known Knight family to the world, it's expected to be extravagant. That's how Ashton ended up hiring an event organizer to get all the things done. After the party organizer had a few discussions with us and took note of what Chloe liked and disliked, the day finally arrived.

"Oh my god!" Sophie gasps when we arrive at the venue. We need to pop up earlier to bring in Chloe's stuff and make sure everything is in order, but instead of getting our asses out of the car, we both take our time gaping at the party's setting.

I know Ashton chose the fancy garden restaurant in town because it also has a small children's park next to it, but I had no idea that they were going to close the whole park for a few hours only for Chloe's party. A huge banner stands by the entrance with my daughter's grinning face on it. Balloons, flags, garlands, and flowers in vibrant colors adorn the park with an unmistakably gigantic Shrek bounce castle sitting in the corner.

"How did they convince me that it's going to be a normal birthday party?" I murmur once I can find my voice.

"Normal rich people's party do you mean?" my sister retorts before unbuckling herself. "But Chloe will love it for sure. Let's get going. We have some stuff to do before the guests come."

And Sophie is right, of course, that Chloe is ecstatic. She and Diana squeal when they arrive and instantly race to the green bounce castle. Sophie has to keep reminding them not to tire themselves out before the party begins.

At ten-thirty, people start to show up. Besides my family, Ashton's family, some of Chloe's schoolmates, and people from Knight & Co., I barely know the rest. Ashton has shown me his guest list in case I objected, but why would I? They're generally his business folks and family friends. But now I'm low-key regretting not spending time learning about them. I blame my job transfer for this.

"Char," I hear Ashton's deep voice call me from the crowd before his handsome face emerges between the guests' heads. How I wish I could smooch him right here, right now. "I want you to meet the Bonerz family, Hugh and Martha."

I grin when I see the farmer couple behind him. They're older than my parents but it seems like the farm work keeps their appearance younger than their age. "Hello, I'm Charlotte, Chloe's mother," I greet. "She will be delighted to see you both today. You have no idea how she adores you and Charlotte."

The couple chuckles. "She's such an adorable kid. Congratulations, Mama!" Hugh replies before quickly looking around. "And where is the birthday girl? I want to hand this" he waves the gift box in his hand "to your little one personally."

"She's in the playground with other kids. Come, let me bring you to her."

For the next hour, Ashton keeps on bringing new faces to introduce to me, leaving me no choice but to keep a happy smile on my face. Don't get me wrong, I love networking and meeting new people, but this isn't one; this is a kid's birthday party. Juggling between having conversations with Chloe's school friends' parents and Ashton's people is like switching from drinking vodka and green tea. They just don't mix.

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