A little talk

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We all enter the home of the Dennison's Allison texted me, telling she's going to bed and bids me a goodnight. We all enter Max's room as Dani sprawls on his bed. "Just think, a good witch doing good deeds all over the world. You will visit us, right?" I laugh at Dani's question. "You're saying as if I'm leaving in the morning." Max looks at me with a hopeful look. "You're not, are you?" I set Binx down in a comfy spot and sit down next to him. "I'll still need to get my memories back, and make sure I got all  my spells perfected before I try it for someone."

Max smiles at my explanation. We both look to see Binx curled up protectively next to Dani, who also dozed off. I yawn before feeling Max pulling my back on his chest and wrapping a blanket over us. Exhausted over the crazy day we had, I finally fall asleep.

Winnie's POV

"Oh, that boy has our sister wrapped around his fingers, I know it!" I rant as I pace around the room. I didn't take me long to see the growing relationship between that boy and little y/n. Sarah then thinks now's the time to open her mouth. "I want the boy! Y/n's too young for boys."

Mary nods in agreement. "Oh, if there was a way we could find them!" I mourn for my book and little sister.

Back to you

I stir awake by the feeling that I need to shift. I move a bit until arms I didn't realize were wrapped around me tighten their grip. Confused, I fully wake myself and open my eyes to see Max spooning me in a sitting position. I move a little to get out of his hold but the arms tighten. Max groans and opens his eyes. He takes in the situation and takes his arms off me quickly. "Sorry." He mutters. "You say sorry a lot." I quip as I get up and stretch out.

"Five o'clock?! Good thing I told Allison where I was." I remark as I see the time. "I'm actually glad you're staying." Max admits, rubbing the nape of his neck. I smile before frowning at Binx. "I really don't want him to live for all these years. He deserves to reunite with his family."

Max agrees. He notices the book and holds it out to me. "What about the book? They used it to curse him to be immortal and you to forget. There has to be some kind of counter in here." I slowly take the book and hold it. The eye opens up and looks right at me.

"Um, this is kind of weird." I say. Max takes the book. "Here, I'll open it." He opens the book and some memories of spells flood in. A bit later, Binx jumps onto the boo, closing it. "Don't! Nothing good comes from this book!" I go to interject but Binx sends me a glare, which shuts me up. He stalks off back to Dani and I sigh. "I might as well get some salt when I'm out." Max motions me to follow him.

Max then opens a cabinet and hands me a jar of salt. "My Mom doesn't cook." I take the offer gratefully and smile. "Being in a circle of it helps ward zombies, evil witches, and old boyfriends." I recite a memory of a spell. "What about new boyfriends?" Max asks, sliding in my direction. I smirk at his moves. I watch in amusement as he goes in to kiss me.

Dani's screams fill the air. Worried, Max and I run up to the stairs and barge in Max's room. We see someone under the covers. Max believes it's Dani and runs up to check on her. I stay back, feeling as if something's not right

Sarah umps out from under the cover, screaming, "Trick or treat!" Max jumps back, screaming. We hear a laugh.  Winnie is standing at the windowsill, muffling Dani with one hand, and Binx in a bag in the other. The book is levitating next to her. "Looking for this?" Her face then hardens to a sneer. "Once we're done with your sister, we shall come back with ours." All three then fly off into the night.

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