Talking cat?

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"A graveyard?" Max asks as we reach the destination. "It's hallowed ground. Evil witches can't get in here." I explain. Max looks at me and remarks. "You seem pretty calm about this situation." I shake my head. "You kidding me? I'm still trying to wrap my head around with everything that's been happening." I hold out my hands to show them how badly they're shaking. Max take my hand and firmly holds it. I smile as the gesture for comfort. "Thanks." I tell him.

We enter the area. We follow Thackery to a certain tombstone. I read it out loud. "William Butcherson. Lost soul." I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Because that's the name of Winifred Sanderson's lover." I snap my head up and watch in shock as Thackery's mouth moves. "She also found him sporting with Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle as to make sure he didn't let any of her secrets out, even in death. That woman was always the jealous type." I stumble back a bit. "Thackery?" I ask.

"That's me, Thackery Binx. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to thank you for taking care of me." He then hops off the gravestone. "Follow me, there's something else I need to show you." We all follow him to another gravestone that read 'Emily'.

"Your little sister." Allison and I say sadly. Thackery nods. "Because of me, my sister's life was stolen. For years, I've been waiting for my life to end so I can be reunited with my family. But, Winnifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. The one day I've figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I failed Emily, but I won't fail again. When Winnifred and her sisters would return, I'd be there to stop them from taking children's lives and something they hold even more dear to them than youth. So, for three hundred year I guarded the house on All Hallows Eve and stay close to a certain person. I knew some airheaded virgin would light the candle."

"Nice going airhead." Dani calls out Max. "Hey, look I'm sorry okay? But we're talking about three ancient hags against the 20th century. How bad can that be?" Thackery and I look at each other before answering simultaneously. "Bad." I turn to Thackery and ask him. "I understand about the children,  but what's this about this certain person. Does this has something to do with the fourth sister?"

Thackery nods his head "You know about the so called 'Next Victim'?" We all nod our heads. Before Thackery can continue, he warns Allison. "Stay out of there!" I look to her to see her trying to open the book. "Why?" She asks. "It holds Winifred's most evil spells. She must not have it!" He explains with a stern voice. Max takes the book and holds out the lighter. "Then let's torch this sucker."

He drops the book to the ground and holds the small flame to it. Unfortunately, the flames stray from the book. "And it's protected by magic." I sigh. "What're we going to do?" Dani asks fearfully.

Just  then, we hear laughter fill the area. We all look up to see the three witches flying through the air. "Sarah! Mary! Search the grounds. Find my book and the girl with h/c hair!" We all look at each other and  Allison, Dani, and Max quickly run behind a rock. Since there was no room for me, I run behind a big gravestone. Max sees where I'm hiding and sends me a worried look. "Thackery rushes to me and pokes his head over the stone. "Stay down, I'll keep an eye out." He orders me. I comply and hide my head in my knees.

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