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He always did this. He always made shit way worse than it needed to be. You just didn't realize how dedicated he was to his family, or how dedicated he was to you, until tonight. He came in, the brightest smile plastered across his face. He'd gotten the cross, he had happily told you, but when he showed you, he had forgot to mention there would be a body laying right next to it. So, like any rational human being, you screamed.

His body had enveloped yours, hands flying to your mouth to hush you. He hadn't even warned you. You thought he was getting better, that he wasn't relying on his dad as much, but the poor boy still seeked the approval of his unappreciative father. And at this point, was probably going to go to jail for the man. Tears slipped down your cheeks as these thoughts paraded through your mind, and sobs weakly escaped through his fingers.

Your body went limp. It was all too much, he was too much. You couldn't fix him, no matter how hard you tried. He was exhausting, going back and forth with the drugs. His mood swings were unpredictable, and sometimes the scared you, even though he'd hurt a hair on your head. He picked you up and carried you inside with a somber expression. He looked sad, no disappointed. He laid you on the couch.

"Rafe," you croaked. "You have to stop. This is too much. You're gonna get caught and your dad isn't going to bail you out or clear your name. You cannot keep killing people for this stupid gold.

"Look, Y/N, I didn't kill him, okay? Limbrey did, not me. I'm just... disposing of the evidence. We got the gold, so it doesn't really matter. I've already got a plan..." he trailed off, beginning to pace back and forth as he thought about his next steps.

"You're not thinking about this rationally. Do you not realize how many people have died to find the gold? Too many to count. I don't want you to be one of those people, Rafe. Please, stop. Just end this. You can't keep doing this." He stopped and stared at you.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I can keep doing this. I'm a proactive type of person, y/n, and I'll do what needs to be done. The gold belongs to this family, and I'm not giving it up. I fight for what's mine, do you understand?"

"No, no, no, no, no..." you kept repeating the word over and over, feeling crazy. He was breaking you. You loved him so much, it hurt to see him like this, to know the outcome over this silly mess Ward dragged him into. He was so sweet when all this went down, and now he's traumatized. He's not fine, everything is not okay.

"Rafe, this isn't okay. You're not okay. You need help," you pleaded.

"Look, I AM fine. I know exactly what I'm doing. This will all be over soon."

You stood up and went over to him, trying to calm him down. His eyes had gone crazy and he started to shake. His actions had taken a toll on his capacity to control his feelings, to manage his anger. You gently lay a hand on his shoulder, but he didn't want to be touched. He shoved you, making you stumble and fall back against the wall. You weren't hurt, physically, but emotionally, you were. You were done, and you'd had enough.

"Screw you. I'm leaving. We are done. I can't take this anymore, it's too much. Loving you hurts to much," you cried as the words fell from your lips. He was shaking with rage and his face was bright red, sweat dripping slowly down his forehead. He was freaking out, he felt like he was going crazy. His nostrils flared at the thought of you leaving. He needed a release, he needed to hit something, to break something. His vision blurred and focused on you. He wouldn't let you leave him.

He raised a fist and slammed it into the wall, inches away from your head. His breathe was hot against your neck as he lowered his head down, resting it on your shoulder. You were frozen in place, and had no idea what to do. He started to cry into your shirt, feeling just as broken as you did. Your heart clenched. He really was just a kid who wanted his dad to love him, and it ended up here. You still hadn't moved and when he saw your face, he backed away. What had he done.

Jj Maybank/Rafe Cameron x Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now