Ch 1

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The last thing I saw was a little girl running into the streets where an incoming truck was racing down the road. Of course today I decided to be a hero and save the kid, I pushed her out of the way but...

...I wasn't fast enough to save myself. I got hit but I couldn't feel it, it just went dark. I only had one thought, 


 'Wait I can think'? Ok calm down what is happening, it's like everything is from an isekai. 'WAS THAT TRUCK-KUN! OH MY GOD WTF!'. Wait what is that white light WAIT don't tell me i'm getting reincarnated, "that's exactly what's happening" a voice said suddenly. 

'Wait, who is talking, who are you?' I asked because someone is speaking in my mind. "A god" it replied rather bluntly, 'really wow thanks for telling me, now WHY AM I DEAD' i screamed. "Oh that was an accident I meant to kill the little kid, she freaking killed my pet squirrel and was a potential serial killer". It said rather plainly to me again 'wait seriously'. 

"No but it was an accident, so I said what I should do as an apology, but then I remembered you like Naruto so why not put you in Naruto ''.

'Wait really that's so awesome, but is there no way to save me?' I asked, sort of desperate in the end. "Well there might be but i doubt it" 'i really want to go home but thank you for trying your best' i said sad, "don't thank me yet" it replied creepily 'wait what do you mean... hey HEY' ugh this susks will i ever get home, i want to see my family again. What will happen to them.

 'Oh and the anime, I gotta finish Boruto'. I sadly thought. Damn, uhg my emotions are going everywhere. I think I'm having a bit of a crisis. Huh what's that on my face, oh im crying haha wow im crying. Wait, I hear people, a bit of people and screaming? The lights have gotten brighter, it's blinding.

 Wait, I hear a baby screaming, oh is it me? WAIT, it's me! Damn. Im crying, not sure for which reason, my chest hurts, it hurts a lot. Oww, I feel this burning sensation in my eyes, I don't want to open them. Wait, I just put on something soft. 

It has a comforting feeling "it's ok baby, it's ok mommy's here" a soft voice said, maybe it's my new mom's cooling. I don't want a new mom but for now I will calm down. I take a deep breath, 'that's it, in, out, in, out'. Good I'm calm, I decided to open my eyes and in front of me was a beautiful woman, she had black hair and eyes she looked exhausted. 

Bags under her eyes and she was sweating. 'Oh ya she gave birth no wonder'. She's warm, I'm sleepy, I'm just going to take a nap. 

/////////// (-  - ) /////////

I wake up still in the hospital, I'm in a crib with other babies around me. 'What if' I try to put energy into my eyes to see if my theory is correct and I look in the glass when I get this tingly feeling in my eyes anddd 'WHAT THE WHAT! I'M AN UCHIHA AND I HAVE THE SHARINGAN TF'. 

I turned it off and looked around in case anyone saw anything. Guess it was chakra not energy. When I look where the glass wall is I see a man with brown hair and beautiful hazel green eyes looking at me with such love and happiness. We lock eyes and he smiles and starts crying 'I must be related to him. 

WAIt WhAT GeNDEr aM I! OH, oh thank god I'm wearing pink, thank the lord'. I gave the crying man a smile that anyone would say aww at and he started bawling his eyes out even more. I feel happy I never had any relatives so I will warm up easily. 

Then i see a doctor come up to my family or at least i think he's my family and say something, he starts nodding rapidly and they both look at me then the doctor leaves. 'What was that about?' I thought, confused. The doctor came back into my room, and picked me up. 

I tilted my head confused as I looked up at the female doctor. "We're going to see your daddy" she says, 'oh he is my dad ok' I thought. We walked out of the baby room and towards the hallway, as I see the door my excitement grows as well as my anxiety 'will he like me will he find out crap, crap, crap'. 

As we walk through the door I see... My dad at the back of the room looked excited and scared at the same time 'WTF is wrong with him' I thought confused. I looked towards the doctor and she looked just as confused as I. "Mr Uchiha what are you doing?" the doc said confused and a little annoyed, 'good question'. 

"Um what is the chance I will hurt her. I don't want to hurt her. I don't know how to hold her. Can we bring her to her mom omygosh omygosh" My dad rambled now terrified if he touches me I will break.

 'Dominant mom, submissive dad' I thought. "Mr Uchiha you will not hurt her, she will be fine and your wife is resting, get a grip" the doc said now annoyed. "Are you sure?" my dad asked. Oh, he looks so timid, it was weird and amusing seeing a grown man look scared. "Yes," the doc said softly, wanting this to end.

My dad started walking towards us and softly took me out of the doctor's hands. He started to gently rock me while introducing himself, "hi I'm your daddy and I love you" he said as he lifted me up so he could kiss my forehead. 

Before he brought me back down I touched his face and messed around with his hair. I think that made him happy because he was crying again. "Sorry Ishi I'm just so happy" 'Ishi so that's my name, not bad I kind of like it' I think. 

As I fell asleep in his arms, I didn't even think about my new family being Uchihas.


So this is my first chapter of I will survive and it may be a bit cringe but it will get better I think thanks 😊

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