31: alondra

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It's our last night in Texas.

Jack went and got breakfast with his mom this morning, but unfortunately she has to work tonight so it's just us. We got takeout from his favorite restaurant and are currently watching an old movie streaming on cable. It's kind of been the perfect last night.

I'm curled into Jack's side as he strokes my arm repeatedly. The western movie is a soothing sound in the background. "You're not going to fall asleep on me, are you?" Jack asks, his breath tickling my ear.

"No." I say, tilting my head up to look at him.

He has an easy smile on his face that's matching the one on mine. "Really? I'm pretty sure I saw your eyes close a couple of minutes ago."

"Maybe I was just blinking?"

Jack chuckles, "Maybe. What's going on in the movie?"

"The cowboys are shooting at the police while trying to reclaim their treasure."

The comforting cinnamon smell of Jack is permanently embedded in my brain and nose. I feel his lips graze against my neck and I smile, tilting my head to give Jack more access.

"If you're just planning on teasing me, I'd like to know now before I get my hopes up."

"We'll see your comfort level and then make that decision."

I let out an annoyed huff, turning to face him. "I'm perfectly fine to make that decision now. You don't need to treat me like I'm made of glass especially after you promised me how great this would be or should I expect it to be as poor as your kissing?"

Jack laughs, amusement sparkling in his eyes, "You say one thing but your body doesn't lie Al. You like kissing me just as much as I like kissing you. The only difference is I have no problem admitting it."

"And what about the treating me like glass part?"

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable and I'm not pressuring you in any way. I don't want to be like..." Jack trails off and I cup his cheek with my hand, feeling the slight scratch from his shadow of facial hair.

"You promised me you wouldn't compare yourself to Grady." I remind him stubbornly. "I'm comfortable. You're not pressuring me. I want to be here and dammit I want to have sex with you."

There's a hint of amusement in his eyes, "Well damn."

I laugh breathlessly, trying to ease the mood even more. I didn't mean to bring Grady up, but it needed to be said. Jack did promise. "Clearly I needed to just say it point blank for you because you've been getting in your head. If you can't deliver what you promised then just let me know now so I can prepare myself for disappointment."

Jack kisses me deeply, commanding control over me that I willingly give to him. He stands up, lifting me easily with him. I practically swoon at how confident the move was as Jack seems like himself again. I wrap my legs around his torso to hold on, feeling his erection press against me. "But the movie," I protest jokingly and he stares at me.

"Fuck the movie."

Yeah, I didn't really care about it. This is so much more exciting.

He sets me on the bed, leaning over me as his voice drops a few octaves. "You won't be disappointed. But seriously, if you want to stop, just say the words."

I shiver slightly, but nod in agreement. I know Jack notices how my skin has pebbled because his smug smile grows. I pull him back down to crash his lips on mine eagerly. I don't think I've ever wanted to be with someone as badly as I want to be with Jack.

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