02: alondra

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I'd been avoiding Jack for a few days. A little online stalking tells me that he is the same guy being pegged as one of the number one NHL recruits in the country which I'm sure my dad was thrilled about. He's had a few guys go to farm teams and a handful land in the pros. There's pictures of all of them in his office at home. I don't think there's a single picture in there from my high school graduation, but his players can be found everywhere.

It's not that I hate hockey. In fact, I fucking love the sport. I just wish it didn't take my dad away from me. I spent years figure skating trying to get my dad's attention and eventually I gave up because he'd never bat an eyelash because it wasn't hockey. Mom wouldn't let me play hockey so figure skating was my next best bet.

After I quit skating, I did my best to avoid the ice completely. It was the only way that made it hurt less.

And I know for a fact that if my dad finds out how I actually met Jack, I'd be the one in trouble for distracting his star player. That's how it goes.

When I told Pritchett who he was, her jaw hit the floor and then she burst into giggles. Figures that she'd find this situation of sorts funny.

I'm sitting in the same seat I claimed the first week classes started with one of my new friends, Keri, sitting next to me. She's a sophomore and is in one of the sororities on campus.

"So then I asked her about..." Keri trails off, her eyes growing wide as she looks over my shoulder.

"You asked Taylor what?" I wait for her to continue and a backpack bumps my leg. I turn around to look and I see Jack's smiling face. Oh just fucking kill me now.

"Hey darling, funny seeing you here." He muses, reclining in the chair, having no problem making himself comfortable.

I shift to turn as far away from him as possible and Keri looks at me in shock, waiting for my explanation. "Why is Jack Schultz sitting down next to you? Did he just call you darling too?" She whispers loudly.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

I roll my eyes, "Shut up Jack. Go sit in your normal seat with your groupies, and we can continue not knowing the other exists."

"I need to talk to you and if you're going to continue being a ghost, then I guess we'll just have to talk now." He replies nonchalantly, not giving his groupies a glance. I don't think he even cares that they're all staring at us like I'm Satan incarnated. I look at the front of the room, wishing the professor would start class already. I don't have the patience for this today.

"How does one continue being a ghost? Pretty sure I'm not dead."

Jack chuckles, "You might as well be. I've been trying to track you down since Saturday morning when I found out your name isn't Alex. So Alondra, have you been avoiding me?"

One thousand percent yes, but he doesn't need that satisfaction.

"Go away." I ignore his question about avoidance, and he shakes his head.

"Sorry darling, you're stuck with me now that Coach thinks you're tutoring me."

"You're tutoring him?" Keri asks curiously and I look at her hoping she'll help me get rid of him.

"Yes." Jack answers and I'm quick to correct him.


Then he smiles charmingly at Keri, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm Jack and Al here is my tutor. She thinks I have a problem with numbers."

"Keri; do you have a problem with numbers?" She asks, tilting her head out of curiosity, causing her curtain of hair to shift.

I roll my eyes because that's not the only thing Jack has a problem with. "He has a problem with listening too. I think your fan club over there is missing you." I say, pointing out the group of girls again. Keri and I would be dead if their looks could kill.

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