22: alondra

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Jack's forehead is bright red from how long he spent scrubbing at it to get the sharpie off and I can't help but giggle every time I look at it.

Dylan was practically rolling on the floor at his reaction and Peyton thought it was funny as well. Coop simply shrugged and said he wished he was the one who had done it.

By the time he woke up from his nap, jarring me from the light sleep I'd fallen into as well, he was feeling much better. Not one hundred percent, but definitely on his way to functioning instead of the living dead.

"I can't believe you let him draw on my face." Jack says, casting me a side glance from where I sit on the couch.

I put my hands up in defense, smiling brightly at him. "It wasn't my fault you fell asleep in the tub. I tried to stop him."

"She did," Dylan says and Jack flips him off.

"You're so lucky I don't lock you out in the cold."

Ruby's head is in his lap, "You know, normally I'd agree with you on that, but you did start this shit with Coop's hair."

Jack doesn't really have a rebuttal to that because he did technically start it.

Coop runs a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, "You know how long it took this to grow back? Too fucking long considering I never would have had to buzz it in the first place asshole."

I'm a little surprised because I think it's the most I've ever heard Coop say at once. He isn't the most talkative which is fine. It's never awkward.

"Guys, I'm bored," Peyton whines from where she's laying on the floor.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Dylan snorts and Ruby pokes him hard in the stomach.

"Suck a dick Dylan," Peyton says quickly without even looking at him. I choke on my laughter because I don't think I've ever said anything like that to anyone. I mean sure, I was pretty rude to Jack when I first met him, but I've never said that.

Jack chuckles at her response, and pulls more of the blanket away from me and onto him. "What do you have in mind Peyton?" I yank some of the blanket back because I'm cold. Except I'm always cold and he's sick. So maybe I should just let him have it. "Just move closer Al, I'm freezing."

I roll my eyes and scoot closer to him and Jack wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling into him completely. I release a short huff because again, this is the last thing I should be doing in terms to my feelings for him, but do I get my ass up and move away? No. I relax into him.

I'm an idiot.

But also I have to remember that even trusting someone enough to have feelings for them after the shit I went through with Grady is a big step.

So maybe it's not all bad.


Peyton rolls to face Jack and smiles so wide it kind of scares me what she's about to suggest. "Strip poker."

My jaw falls open, Dylan snorts, Ruby cheers, Coop groans, and Jack sighs.

"That sounds like fun," Ruby says, coming alive and Dylan shakes his head.

"Absolutely not. All for body positivity and what not, but I see enough of the guys' dicks in the locker room."

I scrunch up my nose, "Gross."

Dylan stares at me, "Oh cause you weren't totally staring at Schultz half naked earlier in the bathtub."

Ruby hits him harder this time, shooting me an apologetic look. "One more peep out of you and you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

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