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Birmingham, Alabama

Later that night
"Shani why are you calling me at 2 in the damn morning" Shanice asked me.

"First of all its not even 2 o'clock" I rolled my eyes. "I called you because it feels creepy as hell in here. It just gives me a bad vibe now"

I am no longer sleeping in that house after what happened. The house gives me a bad vibe and I can't explain it. On top of that I'm having nightmares, which I rarely have, and I can't sleep because of them.

"Well go to one of your friend's house. I'll see you in the morning" She yawned.

"Wait......are you at Khalil house?"

She hung up after I asked her that.

"Well damn" I mumbled to myself. "Let me text this nigga real quick"


Are you up rn

What's wrong?

Can I come over real quick

Yea just let me know when you get here
You good?

I'm fine
I'll be over there in 15

Drive safe

I was in my car on the way to his house. I stopped at McDonald's to get some food because I was hungry and they were still open.

After 20 minutes or so I pulled into his driveway and got out of my car with the food in my hands.

I knocked on the door and waited a minute or so for him to open the door.

"You said yo ass were going to be here in 15 minutes" he said when he opened the door.

"I got hungry" I shrugged and walked in his house.

"I just cleaned up and shit"

"I can tell" I chuckled and handed him a bag. "I got you a 10 piece with fries"

"You actually thought about a nigga" he gave me a hug.

"You're only giving me a hug because I bought you food" I laughed.

"That's not all the way true" he let me go and we started walking towards his kitchen.

"You have any straws? These motherfuckers didn't have any" I leaned against the counter.

"What fast food place don't have fucking straws" he laughed. "You went to the ghetto McDonald's didn't you" he handed me a straw.

"Yea. They was close to your house"

"Don't go there. They dirty as hell"

"How you know that?" I asked him.

"My lil cousin works there. That McDonald's sucks ass" he said as he ate his food.

"You still eating them damn nuggets though" I laughed.

"Shit I'm hungry too" he chuckled.

Menace to Love (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ