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Here's bratty laugh rang through Y/n's head, she could hear Zeus whispering to the winds, to her.

Memories floated in the empty space that made up her subconscious.

"Harper.... My sister, take care of my sweet baby. This is the end for me." Y/n's real mother, Mila L/n, had died when Y/n was born.

Her twin sister Harper had taken the girl to live with her in Arizona at her Fashion Company before she was killed by a Cyclops for being the supposed lover of Pegasus when in reality, Y/n's mother had ready died.

"Mommy! Noooo!" Y/n's screams rang throughout the black space.

The little girl sobbed and shook with fear as the Cyclops turned to look at her.

She was handed a knife, "Run. Run far away from here."

The Cyclops turned around and left the scene, Y/n couldn't stay mad at it and thus she mustered up a smile before waving at its disappearing figure.

Her eyes watered, the girl grabbed her stuffed bear, the knife, some food, a backpack and she took off.

Her Adopted mother had just told her of the camp that laid across the country in New York, so the girl made it her goal to reach it.

She kissed her mother's forehead, "I love you mommy. Sleep good for me okay?"

The girl took off and she never looked back.

The next memory was of her friend, Dvalin.

"Let him go! Let him go!" The girl screamed, a giant basilisk held her friend captive it choked him and his pained groans were all she could hear.

It angered her, the look of pain and suffering on the face of her loved one.

She wasn't going to loose someone else she cared about today. She brought down the knife she'd carried with her into the Basilisk's forehead, it writhed in pain but still it did not let go.

"I said let him go!" She screamed, this time the water had came to her aid.

The liquid from the nearby stream strangled the snake, it choked it, activated its wound and at one point the water ripped open its flesh.

It could feel Y/n's anger, the water felt angry too.

Y/n kicked the dead snakes head, it's tail wriggling around for a bit before laying limp.

"Lin... wake up! Wake up, Lin! Please don't die!" She held the boy closed to her chest, tears streaming down the Ten Year old's face.

"Lin... wake up please.." Y/n looked to the water, which seemed to be shaking it's head as if it couldn't do a thing.

"His windpipe is crushed, his lungs are filled with venom, there is nothing we can do. We are sorry little one.."

Y/n's eyes widened, the water had taken on a female form, "You talk?"

The woman nodded, and reached out to Y/n. Y/n took her hand, her free one reaching for her fallen friend.

Dvalin caressed his sister's hand, he held it up to his lips and kissed it before his entire body shook and then went limp.

Y/n cried that night, she cried and cried as the water tried to comfort her. Nothing soothed her pain, for how could anything distract her from the loss of her brother? Her one and only bestfriend..

Memories swirled in her brain, a look of pain took over Y/n as she shook with fear her nightmares coming to life as she relived them.

Jason who was suffering as well, reached for her hand.

The thunder shook the cabin as Zeus along with Poseidon appeared in the Cabin both gods in their human forms.

Zeus rand his fingers through the crying girl's hair,  she just shook as more tears ran down her cheeks.

Jason crawled towards her, he knew nothing about her or her pains or her old memories that had resurfaced, but he knew she was hurt and he was hurting too.

Jason, even though he knew nothing about this girl who was supposedly a disciple of one of the big three, an excellent volleyball player and technically the niece of Percy Jackson, he still held her close as she cried into his chest.

His eyes rise to his father's and he asked the question Poseidon, and the other God's who were watching wanted to ask.

"What the hell are you going to do to her?"

Pegasus (Jason Grace x Reader)|✔Where stories live. Discover now