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Y/n wasn't at all surprised to see that Jason had been prideful of his status as the son of Zeus.

Or that was what she assumed when she saw the lightning bolt necklace on his bedside table.

She had snuck into the Zeus cabin at 1 in the morning to take back her necklace, it was the perfect time to break in.

The secruity Harpies as Y/n mentally called them always had fewer numbers at 1 am because that was when the shifts switched, but it was also when the skies were clearest which meant Jason was stargazing like he always did.

The wind would wake her up at the oddest of times and drag her out to the roof of the Poseidon cabin to watch the stars, it told her that Jason was watching them too and she had no idea why.

"Guess they pay off for recon missions.." She mumbled as she looked through his drawers.

She kept searching for her pendant in hopes Jason had forgotten to take it with him on his usual night trip, but it seemed as if he kept it with him even in sleep.

Just as she was about to make her grand escape, the window flew open and she ran quickly into Jason's closet with his lightning necklace in hand.

She placed a hand over her mouth as she heard him yawn, her heart raced.

'Damn that was cute..'

She thought, her face turned red at the thought. Jason muttered to himself, chuckling for a bit before she heard him shuffle under the covers.

She slowly cracked open the closet door, her eyes stared at Jason's beautiful sleeping figure.

How could someone make sleeping look like art? Y/n's heart did flips in her chest, she had never felt this way before... was this a curse placed on her for that time she insulted Aphrodite on accident?

Her fingers trembled, had she really brought down the wrath of a goddess upon herself?

"A-am I going to die..?" She whispered to herself.

Y/n slipped out of the closet before making her way over to the window, if she hurried she could make it out before the Harpies finished arguing over shifts.

"You break into my cabin uninvited and then just leave without saying goodbye, your so mean Y/n~" Jason called.

What was wrong with him? He's never acted like this... not even when he was with Piper, and that's when it hit him.

The wind pulled Y/n closer to Jason, neither of them knowing what to do or what was going on with them.

Y/n seemed to finally figure out aswell, "You're.... acting like-"

"My dad..." He mumbled, "Do you think he's-"

Jason cut himself off as he unwillingly put his lips to Y/n's, in that moment the face of Zeus flashed in their minds.

He wanted Y/n to sneak in, he wanted Jason to go back early, He had been controlling them to find out the truth the whole time... and the two of them were just now noticing it.

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