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Y/n's hand shot straight up to her necklace as soon as Grover stopped the van.

Her shoulders shook with excitement and fear, she'd made it...

All those monster camp raids, those long mental talks with her father, all the killing and the slaughter, it was worth it because she was finally safe.

"Do you see that dad..?" She mumbled, "I did it, just like you said I would."

"What was that Girly?" Leo asked.

Y/n just shook her head and Leo nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, let's get to the Big House. I'm sure Chiron would like to meet you."

Y/n followed Percy and Annabeth while Leo and Grover ran off to announce the arrival of a new camper.

"Chiron! Chiron! Are you here?" Annabeth called.

"Yes child, I am here."

"We've brought someone to see you! A new camper, her name is.... Uh, I forgot your name! I'm sorry."

"It's Y/n, Y/n L/n. I've been looking for you Chiron," Y/n bowed.

"Percy, Annabeth. I need to talk to Y/n alone. Please give us a bit, will you?"

The two nodded, Percy shooting  Y/n a curious glance before he walked outside.

"So you are the girl the Lord spoke of?" Chiron asked as soon as he was sure The others left.

"Has my father contacted you through dreams?"

"Yes, he spoke of your arrival to Camp Half-Blood, I'm aware of your situation... you'll stay in the Zeus cabin as of now. It seems the Big Man himself favors you, I'll ask the Hephaestus children to start designing you a cabin along with Annabeth."

"No need for a big fuss, I'll just stay in the stables. It'll be fine."
Y/n insisted.

"As you wish... but just know if you ever need a place to stay the Hermes and Zeus cabins are open for you. Now, run along. I'm sure the other campers are excited to meet you."

Y/n just nodded silently and slipped out the door, her mind racing with thoughts of anxiety.

'If I'm finally safe.... then what does this mean for me? Can I have friends and live peacefully? Where are the stables? I swear if these kids touch me-'

"Hi!" An over enthusiastic boy who was obviously Aphrodite's son waved at Y/n, "My name is David Aldine. You must be the new camper, right? I'm here to show you around."

"No thanks, I just need to know where the food is and where the stables are. Nothing else."

"Ummm okay, but I think it'd be beneficial if you knew where the training grounds were too... we're having a chariot race tonight. Clarisse from the Ares cabin is racing against Jason Grace from The Zeus- Jupiter cabin."

"Jupiter, Like Roman version of Zeus, Jupiter?"

"Yeah, the demi-gods have pretty much interested with each other. Just last week Percy and Hazel Pluto' s daughter went head to head in a Pegasus riding contest, Hazel wiped the floor with Percy's sorry ass."

Y/n snickered, "I'll keep that in mind..."

The cabins stood tall in a circle before Y/n, she counted atleast 15 or so cabins, The Zeus and Hades ones mildly empty while the One for Hera was completely deserted. It looked as if it served no purpose, but it was beautiful none the less.

The Demeter cabin seemed lovely with all the flowers growing around it, while the Ares cabin... not so much.

Some kid had another boy in a head lock before they started fighting each other, rolling around on the ground and kicking each other in the gut.

Y/n winced as the girl kneed a poor, innocent Hermes kid in the groin.

"Oh poor kid..." she mumbled, the atmosphere was lively and she enjoyed it.

"Oh! Oh! That's our Cabin!" David eagerly pointed towards the Aphrodite cabin.

"If you ever need anything come to me, 'Kay?" He smiled.


Y/n was shown around the entire camp, the training grounds, the pavilion, the strawberrt fields, the woods, the rivers, streams, and the lakes. She squirmed anxiously, surely a camp this nice had some beautiful stables right?

Where were the fucking stables?

"I'm sure you're eager to get to the stables, but come on I've got something you'd want to see."

David pulled Y/n along to a patch of trees hidden by a thick layer of Bush and vine.

He pulled back the curtain if plants and revealed a magnificent structure if trees morphed together to make a treehouse.

It was obviously made by a Demeter kid, but it seemed as if it was just David's secret place.

"My friend Joshua Anderson was from the Demeter cabin, he made this for me on my birthday. He was like a brother, he died a few years ago because if the thing with Kronos but it's alright now. I'd figure you'd like to see it because you're new and you don't know anyone. If you ever feel sad or scared just come here, I promise the view will take your worries away."

Y/n smiled softly at him, she pulls him in for a small hug and thanked David for his gesture to kindness.

"Now let's get to the stables!"

"Yeah let's!"

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