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Jin's POV

Waking up before everyone else would always be the best thing about my day. Not because I needed time alone or because I didn't like spending my mornings with the others. But having everyone's emotional spectrum running through your body gets you used to a different type of normal. And that small amount of time in the morning where it was just me, my mind void of any emotion but my own, lead me to feel so much excitement and anticipation for my soulmates to wake up and each of their emotions to wash over me like a warm wave.

I'd never been able to sense them while they were asleep, which was probably just the universe saying that within your dreams your emotions can go haywire and we don't need all that in someone else's head. However If I were to sleep and they were awake, their emotions would be tightly weaved into my dreams, and if ever they got too powerful it would immediately wake me.

I remember years ago when Yoongi used to get panic attacks at night because of his fear of rejection. I'd wake up all sweaty in the middle of the night, desperate to find out who the panic belonged to, my brain on alert to find which soulmate of mine needed comfort.

Comfort, that was probably it, the thing that fuelled my gift. Why else would knowledge of your soulmates' emotions be anything of advantage if not to be able to comfort when a soulmate was in need? Had I ever been forced to separate from them I don't think I'd stay sane long if I had to be a wallflower with their every emotion but not be there to help them process the bad ones.

That was probably what worried me the most about our situation with Hannah. If we messed up, she could end up choosing to be without us, she could end up only wanting some of us, she could end up only keeping enough contact to stay healthy. Namjoon had told me many stories of soulmates who knew they were physically and spiritually linked but disagreements or differences in culture or habits made for a rocky road that ended in separation.

I couldn't imagine the struggle around being able to sense Hannah's emotions, but not have the privilege to be there for her.

I never held that fear beside my affection of my other older soulmates. We knew we were right, We knew we could work, and we made the decision to stay together even before the bond manifested between us.

Not that I necessarily want to put the two situations up against each other to compare because I am vividly aware of the differences and why they are how they are, but even so it is an insecurity within me, a fear that Hannah would not want to stay.

I stood in the kitchen mindlessly making breakfast while my memories brought me to the longest week of my life trying to not reach out and talk to Hannah whenever she felt sad or anxious or angry. It was painful to be a bystander to her pain when I knew I could possibly help. I didn't want to feel like that again, and in a less selfish point of view I never wanted her to be sad and think she had no one.

Slowly but surely my mind came back to the surface of the current reality as I could feel the most important people in my life waking up, from the silence of me and my thoughts my own emotions now rested atop a cloud of my soulmates'. I smiled to myself while I chopped veggies and sliced bread. Jungkook had requested a healthy breakfast this morning to not be puffy during the show, and what Jungkook wants, Jungkook gets.

"Morning, Hyung" Jimin's sweet voice cooed behind me as a pair of soft arms wrapped around my torso, his body pressed against mine in a tired hug.

I let go of the knife and moved my hands to my back to hug him as well, quickly noticing my fingers brushing against his smooth skin and realising this was due to an absence of clothing covering his upper half. My hands caressed his warm back in teasing adoration.

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