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"He's in my head" I explained. Taehyung nodded.

"Sorry for intruding, just wanted to know if you had met him yet, your mind was the more open one of you two" I sighed. "He can read my mind?" Tae nodded again. I rolled my eyes and leaned back to the wall in defeat. My life was changing drastically and I slowly but surely realised that.

Taehyung was beyond excited on the bus, and arriving at my stop he practically skipped off the vehicle and excitedly looked around. He had removed his mask in order to fit in in the crowd and the smile on his face while looking around was sending shivers through my body like lightning strikes. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I pointed towards an apartment complex across the street. "That's where we're going. Your loft is apparently on the top floor of that building"

"And where do you live?" Taehyung asked.

I pointed to the similar building next to it. "Fourth floor, second window" I said and he smiled. "Okay let's go there first!"


"You don't have a bag with you and I am guessing you're not sleeping in that." Taehyung explained matter-of-factly. Looking up and down my body.

I looked down at my clothes and then back at him, the surprise apparent in my face.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything, I just know from experience that the first meeting is intense, you're free to stay alone tonight but your body or mind won't like it very much." He waited for me to reply and while giving it some thought I realised that my body had relaxed at even the thought of staying in the proximity of Taehyung for the night.  "The loft has two beds, I do know what I'm talking about and I did prepare." He continued to explain. "Fine yeah you're probably right, we'll go pack some clothes" I sighed and walked towards the familiar building.

I quickly made my way into my apartment, thankful that Martin had gone out tonight. Bringing Taehyung here made me feel a million times more guilty about the chain of events happening in my life right now and I grabbed the first bag I could see, trying to pack clothes and toiletry items as quickly as possible to get out of there even quicker.

"Is this him?" I heard from behind me. Turning around I saw Taehyung standing with a picture frame in his hands, the picture displayed was one of me and Martin on holiday last summer.

"His name is Martin" I said quietly, stopping still in my movements just looking at Taehyung, trying to read his expression.

"Is he kind?" He asked quietly, making eye contact with me once more. The sensation still blissful but with the loaded question it confused my senses.

"The kindest" I looked down, guilt and a sadness gathering in my chest making it difficult to draw a breath. 

"I'm sorry" I could hear Taehyung sigh and I shook my head

"It's not your fault." I managed to let escape my lips as I zipped my bag closed and nodded towards the door letting him know I was ready to leave.

Entering the street again Taehyung still hadn't said anything since he saw the picture. I had tried to come up with something to start a conversation but whenever I turned to look at him I was lost for words once more and just ended up staring. It was awkward but at the same time not because he always met my gaze with an equally intense one, reminding me that this was a normal reaction.

We had to meet the lady that rented out the loft across the street to get a set of keys. It turned out this was not a holiday home Taehyung had rented for a week, but it happened to be an apartment he had rented indefinitely. The older lady seemed confused as we met her with a suitcase and a bag as our only luggage but just shook her head and gave us the keys. Taehyung was so excited it he was basically shining. 

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