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Tae's pov

Ugh I hated being on airplanes. I'm not sure why the soul connection didn't work when you're flying but it makes me feel so uneasy when I can't connect with the boys for that long. Finally landing I searched the familiar strings of connection in my head until I found the one I wanted and gave it a mental pull.

"Jimin I hate not having your body next to mine on the plane, let's not make this a habit"

"I missed you too sweet. How was the flight?"

"Long, a bit chilly. Food was pretty good this time though."

"Did you meet her yet?"


"Hannah of course, who else?"

Oh yeah that was right, I'd almost forgotten why I was here. My mind completely occupied with how much I missed being in the immediate vicinity of my favourite cuddlers.

"I haven't met her yet, no, I still need to show my passport and get my suitcase. I can feel her though, she's here."

The feeling of having your soulmate close was like having someone's hand palming the back of your head, and in a way making you want to walk forward, always in the direction of your soulmate. When you haven't made a visual connection yet, that pull becomes stronger, and it can be painful if you don't give the connection what it is hungry for. All that is needed is for the soulmates eyes to meet, but it rarely stops at eye contact. In a bigger soulmate cluster like ours, we would take longer to be affected by the pull because we already have so many soulmates close to us. Hannah however had 0 out of 7 and would sooner rather than later start to hurt for a connection. Which is where my being here came to be.

I volunteered the second the guys proposed the idea. I'd been talking to her on instagram, her words making me even more curious to get to know the person behind them, and I also didn't have anything on my schedule this next week other than a few photoshoots which were easily rescheduled. It felt natural that I'd be the one to go, but as soon as I'd left home, saying goodbye to the six loves of my life I'd felt nauseous thinking about not seeing them for a week.

Feeling the pull at the airport however, gave a sudden hope to my sadness. I had a soulmate here too. And I would get to get to know her all by myself. That had to be exciting enough to last a week.

Grabbing my suitcase from the band I made my way to the exit. Jimin's excitement a constant song in my mind as I walked through the airport. I hadn't seen her face yet. Her instagram profile was all funky pictures of nature and other people she had tagged. Not one single selfie.

I'm pretty sure the connection will tell me who she is the second we're in the same room but there was that small uncertainty in the back of my mind. It had done its job when ordering plane tickets, so I hoped it still did its job here.

Back when I turned 20, I already knew who my soulmates would be. Not that it made it any less special to look them in the eyes for the first time, but there wasn't any uncertainty that went with it. Namjoon had figured out the physical tells to whether someone was connected even before turning 20 and getting the tattoo. He had figured it out within months of Jin turning 20, his suspicions confirmed when Yoongi turned 20 the year after, and we all knew he was right when Hoseok turned 20 and connected with them both.

I didn't think we'd have another soulmate, let alone one we didn't already know before. This was beyond exciting, but also quite frightening. It had been a while since I had even given the idea of being in a relationship with a woman any thought. I've been content for so many years with men, but there's always been that doubt inside of me thinking maybe I'm not just attracted to men. And now it made more sense, because I wasn't meant to just be attracted to the guys, I was also meant for Hannah. 

And I had just made the visual connection with her.

It was like she was shining. 

Six feet away from me, sitting on a bench was a girl that looked like she was glowing, signalling her presence just in case I hadn't noticed her. She was tall, not taller than me but taller than I was expecting. Her hair reached her shoulders, blonde curls twisting just about anywhere but down, her face was slim but with chubby cheeks that gave her more of a cutesy look. She was wearing a big white sweater and blue jeans that stuck to her legs like clingfilm. Her legs slender and looked almost muscular. I was lost for words and couldn't stop staring at her. My feet moved me closer to her without me even telling them to, and I slowly lost more and more of my view of her in favour for a closer look at her eyes.

She said hi and looked down, leaving my gaze. It gave me a chance to actually look at her and not just into her eyes but it confused me that she would look away that quickly, I was in no way or shape done with losing myself in her eyes.

I cocked my head, taking in the view that was her face, her soft looking skin, pink lips, the slight darkness around her eyes suggesting she needed some rest. The beauty mark right below her left eye, I didn't have any other descriptive word than perfection. Never had I seen a girl as pretty as her, never had I been left speechless and breathless by just looking at a woman until her. She was everything I needed and everything I didn't know I needed but now that I'm looking at her I understand that I do.

"Pretty" blurted out of my mouth before I could stop it. She looked up again, meeting my gaze once more.


"I mean hi, hello, nice to finally meet you."

She giggled, her laugh sending shivers down my spine, the butterflies already doing summersaults in my stomach.

"It's nice to meet you too!" She smiled and nodded, holding her hand out for me to shake. I didn't even think and instead of shaking her hand I took it in mine and laced our fingers together. 

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