The Pogues (3) (JJ Maybanks)

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A/N: My next few imagines are gonna be like this, in which you are part of the pogues. If you want me to do something different, just tell me. If you want to request an imagine like this, you can request it by commenting the episode and time where you want the imagine to start. Also, I am sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Feel free to point out any mistakes... but just don't be mean about it lol! Hope you enjoy it!

It was the day after hurricane Agatha hit Outer Banks. You, John B, and JJ were all passed out on the couch. The three of you drank a shit ton of cheap beer last night while playing stupid teenager games like truth and dare, spin the bottle, etc. The crowing of the rooster woke you and John B the next day. JJ was sleeping like a baby on your lap. "Wake up," you whispered to JJ, running your hands through his blond locks. "Oh man, that is not good." John B said, looking at the mess hurricane Agatha made."Agatha did some work, huh?" "Yeah, she did." You replied, looking around as well."Whatcha thinking?" You asked John B as you saw him pick up the tree branches from the HMS."I am thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drums are going to chase the crab." John answered."What about DCS? Wasn't that today?" You questioned."Nah, they are not gettin' on a ferry," JJ replied for John B. "Come on, think about it. It's god tellin' us to fish.""Good Morning, Ms. Amy," You greeted the lady that works at the grocery store. You, JJ, and John B were on your way to pick up Pope and Kie so the five of you can hang out."Morning!" She replied."You guys get through it?" John B asked her."Still here." She answered, going back to doing whatever she was doing. "She totally checked me out," JJ said."I saw it," John B replied. "Dudeeee, she's twice your age." You said in disgust. "Old is gold." He chuckled. "Dude, look at this place," John B said, changing the topic."Agatha, what did you do?""She is a crazy lady.""We'll be cleaning this all summer." "That is my nightmare." The three of you made small talk till you reached Pope's house."Well, look who we have here," JJ whooped. "We have a safety meeting. Attendance Mandatory." John B said, pretending to talk in a walkie-talkie. "I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Pop replied, looking over to see if his dad is there."Come on, man," JJ said, pretending to talk in a walkie-talkie too, just like John B. "Your dad's a pussy. Over.""Oh, I heard that, you little bastard," Mr. Heyward said, coming closer."Sorry about that, sir." You said, scowling at JJ. "We need Pope for something important." You hoped he would let Pope come with you. Mr. Heyward always liked you because he thinks you are super responsible and mature (which is somewhat true, you were more mature than the other four monkeys.)"Yeah, and island rules. Day after the hurricane's a free day." John B added, not helping you."Who made that up?" Mr. Heyward yelled."Uh... Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance. I have a car." JJ replied. These boys were dumber than they appeared, you thought to yourself. Pissing Mr. Heyward is not going to make him let Pope go with you. "Think I am stupid?""I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow." Pope said, ignoring his dad and getting into the HMS."And I'll help him." You added, hoping he won't get mad at Pope when he comes back."When you get back, you and Y/N will be cleaning the shrimp, the fish, and your dirty ass room! Also, I don't like your friends." Mr. Heyward yelled, "Y/N, you are too good to be hanging out with them." "Good morning, boys and Y/N!" Kie said, as JJ helped her get into the boat."Mornin'," the four of you replied."Whatcha got?" "You got some juice boxes?" John B and JJ asked Kie, looking at the cooler in her hands."You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks.""How about my kind of juice box?" JJ asked."Yeah." The five of you clinked your bottles of beer together, making a toast to the beginning of summer and lots of adventure

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