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One month after the red wedding

Tywin watched as Joffrey swept his cloak over Margaery Tyrell's shoulders. The sept was filled to the brim with noble men and women. 

"Look upon each other and say the words." The Septon said.

Joffrey looked up into the eyes of his intended. The Tyrell girl was pretty and would make a fine wife, so long as Joffrey ignored his worst impulses. 

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger." The bride and groom recited in unison. 

 "I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," Joffrey vowed, his hands intertwined with Tyrell's. 

"I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days." Tyrell swore in return, a smile playing on her lips. 

"With this kiss, I pledge my love," Joffrey leaned in and placed his lips on his wife's. The crowd roared with applause. 

The pair turned to the roaring audience with smiles and waves. They truly were quite the spectacle, the handsome young king with a beautiful queen. Songs would be written about this day. With this marriage solidifying relation with the Reach, the crown would finally be able to destroy Stannis Baratheon and any Northern usurpers that may arise in the place of the Starks. Ramsay Snow had killed off the two Stark children that remained in Winterfell. Walder Frey had also sent word that a body was recovered. He matched Robb Stark's description, but he had been partially consumed by wolves, his face left unrecognizable. 

Everything was falling into place. 


'The Tyrell girl is good at playing the part of the queen,' Tywin thought as the girl fed Joffrey a fork full of pie. 

Cersei sat next to him, nursing a goblet of wine with Tyrion on her other side. His wife, Sansa Stark had felt ill during the fifth course and left the celebration. Tywin knew that Joffrey's new marriage would only entertain him for so long before he resumed his torment of the Stark girl. Tywin would prefer him tormenting Sansa over Margaery. The power of Sansa's house had been extinguished, house Tyrell was only growing in power. 'Growing Strong' It was fitting for the house. 

Cersei's eyes were fixed on the girl. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes showed her true feelings towards the girl. Tywin ignored his daughter's jealousy. She had wed a king, rose to be one of the most powerful women in Westeros, but it still wasn't enough for her. He wished that Jaime had her ambition, but instead his interest remained with swords and horses. Hopefully when Jaime returned, after seeing the true horrors of war, he would have more interest in becoming Lord of Casterly Rock. 

Tyrion's squire, a rather odd boy,  scuffled up to Tyrion (making a futile attempt at not being seen). Tyrion's face went dark as the boy whispered something in his ear. "Please excuse me," Tyrion said politely, before leaving the party. 

Tywin eyed him suspiciously. Whatever it was, it had to be important, otherwise, Tyrion would not have left. 

"What was that?" He whispered to Cersei, whose smile faded slightly. 

"Something about the Stark girl." She whispered back.

Tywin shook it off, she had been ill earlier, perhaps it was just that. With any luck, Tyrion had finally gotten her with child and she was sick because of that. 


Tyrion found him in the council chamber with Cersei when the feast was over. "What happened during the wedding feast?" He asked Tyrion.

"Sansa, she is gone," Tyrion responded, unable to meet Tywin's burning green eyes. 

"What do you mean she is gone?" Cersei hissed, rage contorting her features. 

"I mean she is not in the castle." Tyrion snapped at his sister.

"You did this." Cersei accused, "I've seen the way you look at her, the manner in which you have threatened Joffrey for her."

"I wish I had smuggled her out. It would have been a mercy after how your little monster has been treating her." Tyrion countered, "I wish I could have been the husband she deserves and stopped her torment, but I was not. I am not responsible for this."

'He never was able to keep his mouth shut.' Tywin thought. Although he was pleading innocence, Cersei would take this as a confession of sorts and Joffrey would interpret it as treason when he heard of what happened. 

"Ser Osmund, please escort Lord Tyrion to a cell." Tywin ordered. This would be the safest course of action until his trial. This way, Tyrion would be unable to escape if he was guilty and Joffrey would not be able to say that he was fleeing justice if he was innocent. A holding cell was the safest place for Tyrion. 

"Father!" Tyrion didn't finish his thought as Osmund led him away. 

Cersei had a smug grin on her face. "Leave," Tywin ordered her, turning her grin into a scowl.

"Yes, Father." She said, voice dripping with false affection, before leaving.

'The key to the North slipped through our fingers.' Tywin thought. Rickon, Brandon, and Robb Stark were all confirmed to be dead. Sansa was now gone. The bastard was in the Night's Watch and could claim no titles. That left Arya Stark, who was missing and presumed dead. 

'Yet a body was never brought to light.' Tywin thought, a plan twisting in his mind. If they could get Arya back, she could be used to control the North. But she was gone, like Sansa. The only difference was that nobody knew where Arya was and nobody had known for over a year now. Many common folk and noblemen believed that she was still a prisoner in the Red Keep. 

"That could be used to our advantage," Tywin mumbled, his eyes falling on a map of Westeros. A slender finger traced the outline of the North. 

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