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"we're losing her!"

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"we're losing her!"


All of them poured into the city, keeping their uniform on the downlow until they moved into the main building. Alice slipped the helmet on once she covered her hair, it was surprisingly easy to see what was going on. She waited downstairs where they knew where the other trainee cadets waited around for a senior to collect them, Alice only stepped forward into the line once she saw them turn the corner so she would not get pulled away by somebody else. Thomas stopped in front of her and nodded with his helmet that she would be coming with them, so she fell into step beside them.

Slowly, as they walked through the building, they collected more people until they had an impressive entourage all making sure that Teresa got them through the building as promised. When they reached the stairwell, Gally left them in order to play around with a fuse box to get into W.C.K.D's system for the people outside of the walls.

They descended the stairs and promptly took out the guards in the corridor and main hall of where the kids were being held.

Once Alice shot down the last guard, she slipped her helmet off and opened one of the doors, "it's alright! We're getting you out of here." Alice explained to the kids who had jumped back at the sight of her, they didn't hesitate to move out of the rooms and into the main area. She was about to move on to another room, but her eyes caught on a familiar face, "Ola?"

The young girls eyes snapped up immediately and they were full of disbelief, "Alice? How, how are you?" Wasting no time, the girl rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Alice.

"You've gotten so big." Alice smiled at the girl, a fond feeling washing over her body as she looked at the girl who had grown up so much in the three years that she's been gone, "you stay with the group and we'll get you back to Kat, Ada, Harriet and Sonya in no time, alright?" Ola nodded several times and walked away to go find someone else who must have come from Maze B as the two of them started whispering away.

Newt had a fond look on his face from where he was coming away from one of the doors, "you find old friends wherever you go, I'm starting to think that it's a talent." Alice laughed and pushed him away, their attention drawn back over to Gally when he started to talk again, never able to get more than five words in before their private time was stolen away.

"This might take some time." Gally said while he started to get to work on opening the vault door, the creepy guy back at the compound would need the serum and a lot more of it if he wanted to continue to fight off the virus.

"He's not here." Thomas said to them all before he rounded on Teresa for answers.

Alice sighed, 'we are coming Minho, promise.'

"He's been moved up to the medical wing." Teresa explained while she looked up where he was in the database, "that's on the other side of the building."

Thomas spoke while he grabbed Teresa by the wrist roughly, "okay, you're taking me to him, right now."

"We're coming with you." Newt stated while he and Alice picked their guns back up, she grinned at the defeated look on Thomas' face.

Losing Game - Newt [The Maze Runner]Where stories live. Discover now