Chapter twenty two

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I'm proud of myself today, I actually went to school for a full day and even got the new weeks worth of assignments done and turned in. When the bell rings signaling the end of the day I happily bound to my locker. It's been a few days since I've seen Jarell but we've texted. I finally got to read the whole text he sent me and it was really heartfelt. He doesn't want to pressure me into anything, life's supposed to be about the choices you make and what not.

I meet the twins at my car and we start to discuss what store we are going shopping at. We haven't gotten our prom dresses yet. "I think Achilles closet has the best options." Tia says, I have to agree with her. "Yea Jones' isn't really great in the wow factor of dresses." I say to Sophia. "Okay then it's settled!" We jump in my car and head to the giant dress store on Tebriski street. "I've never been more excited to shop for a dress." Tia says. When we walk in we are greeted with glasses of champagne.

"Any ideas on what you ladies are looking for?" A petite woman asks. "Actually yes. I want a low dip in the back and slits under the Brest." The woman's face lights up at my choice and I follow her to a rack of dresses. She pulls out a emerald green one, a black and maroon one and then a literal gold one. She leads me to the dressing room and I try on the first two dresses. They didn't really give me the feeling I was going for. When I tried on the gold dress I instantly loved the way it fit, I turned to look at myself in the mirror and gasped. "Oh wow." My body has toned up a bit so my waist looks thinner and my but is sitting up just right. The slits under the boob make me feel like I was give this by a fancy rich admirer. I felt beautiful.

"This is the one." I bring the dress out to the woman who is helping the twins look through the millions of shelves. "Would you be able to hem it so it's tighter around my mid section but loose by the neck area?" It's like me knowing what I wanted made this woman's day they way she squealed. "Of course! I can have it ready by the end of the week. It's be 550 for everything." I nod and she takes my dress to the back. "You guys see anything yet?" They turn to me flustered. "Hell no." I look at the twins before Turing to look through a few racks. I grab a baby blue dress that will hug Sophia's body and a baby pink dress that has a low v cut and flows at the end.

Handing the dresses to the twins I usher them into the dressing rooms. The lady come back and waits for them with me. When they come out my jaw drops, they are so beautiful. As I predicted the dresses fit the pair perfectly. "Are these the ones?!" The woman asks excitedly. "Yes!" They answer simultaneously. She claps her hands and waist for them to change back into their clothes. We pay for our dresses then decide on getting some food at Panera.

"I think I want a bread bowl. With broccoli and cheddar soup." I say as we pull into the parking lot. "Ouuu yes that sound so good." Sophia says. We go inside the restaurant and order the same thing, bread bowl with broccoli and cheddar soup. "Ugh this is amazing." Tia moans as she eats because she thinks it funny. I throw a piece of bread at her and she flicks me off. My phone pings and I check to see who messaged me, it was Donny.
Donny: Hey can we talk?
Donny: Please?
I excuse myself and step outside so I can call him. He answers so quickly, "Hey Hailey." His voice doesn't give me chills like it used to. "Hi Donny, what did you wanna talk about?" I can hear him sigh on the other line. "I know I was a asshole, I shouldn't have ever kissed Katie, much less dated her. I don't know what I was thinking." He sounds tired. My mind races with the thought of him being hurt by Katie. "Is everything okay?" "No, I know I messed up bad. Please let me try to make it right, your my bestfriend.. I need you." There he goes again, he needs me. This is how I ended up hurt the first time.

"Donny we have to build any relationship we had from scratch. You stopped being my best friend they say you kisses her in the hallway." A tear falls but I quickly wipe it away. "I have to go." I hang up just as the twins are walking out. "We got your food in a Togo bag." I thank them. "So what now?" I ask as we sit I my car. My phone rings so I answer it while I let the twins think of stuff to do. "Speaking." The voice on the other end laughs, "Jarell, it's not funny." The twins stare at me with smirks. "So I was thinking, me and you, tonight at 6. I'll pick you up?" My heart races at the thought of going on a actual date with him. "Okay. Should I wear casual or ?" He's silent for a moment before saying, "cute casual, you know for pictures." Then hangs up the phone.

"Well ladies, I have a date tonight." They scream like school girls and I laugh. "Let us help you get ready!!" Sophia asks but Tia doesn't give me the option to say no. "Come on start the car!" I happily drive back to my house to get ready for my date with Jarell. "Okay so what the event style?" Tia asks while looking through my clothes. "He said cute casual... so I was thinking Royal blue leggings, white hoodie with a blue beanie. My air forces to match." They think it over and then agree. "What about hair?" Sophia asks. "Well since your here I figured you could do something cute." She squeals with excitement.

Once I'm done in the shower I put on my favorite underwear and bra before putting lotion on my body. I sit in front of the vanity and let Sophia do her thing. She gave me half up half down with space buns and two braids in front my face. Tia Apply's some blue eyeshadow and my favorite lashes. Once that's done I put my clothes and shoes on, then pack my purse with the essentials. My charger, lipgloss, toothpaste and toothbrush. We go wait downstairs for Jarell to come and find Nancy eating a cinnamon roll while watching Full house.

"Where are you off too?" Before I can say anything Tia is running her big mouth. "She's going on a date." I glare at her. "With Jarell." Sophia pipes in and I roll my eyes. "Yes I'm going on a date with him, nothing major." They three of them look at each other then back at me, I felt like I was missing something. "What?" Nancy puts her plate on the coffee table then comes close to me. "You like him don't you?" Her accusation makes me laugh. "You have got to be kidding me. He's just my friend." She pats my shoulder before returning to the couch. "Sure hun."

The door bell rings and I let Sophia answer it, she was very adimate about it. "Stormy, he's here!" She says as I walk past her. "Hey." I smile as soon as I see him. "Hey, you ready?" I nod and he holds out his hand. "Have a good night ladies." He winks and leads me away to his car. "Let the night begin."

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