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My eyes open and begin to adjust to the bright lights once again, I feel no presence this time.

I scan the room and see that my senses were right, there is nobody in the room with me. I let out a sigh and notice there's a tray on the table next to me.

Slowly I pick up the tray and notice a note attached to the cup of orange juice, Good morning Darling. I know you probably still don't remember me, but I just wanted to bring you a good breakfast with all your favorites.

<3 Levi

Looking at all the food I do recognize most of it, picking up a piece of bread I lift it to my nose and smell the butter.

"What are you doing?" I hear from the doorway causing me to drop my bread.

A small chuckle erupts from the man and I look up to be met with Levi, "O-oh, hi," I say meekly as I pick up my bread and stuff my face.

"Jeez slow down, you're gonna choke," He says sitting in the chair next to me.

I look at him with a guilty expression painting my features and he just laughs at me, "God you need a shower, filthy brat," He says giving me a gross look.

My face begins to paint a puzzled look, "Sorry, I'm just used to messing with you like that..." He scratches the back of his neck before continuing, "But seriously, you need a shower,"

Nodding I continue to look at him with a puzzled expression while I finish the food thats in my mouth.

"So... Why are you here?" I ask him gently not trying to come off as rude or unappreciative.

He looks down at a book in his hands, "I uh... I stayed up late last night writing this..." He mumbles.

Slowly he opens the book to the first couple pages and begins to read...

"Hi! I'm L/n, Y/n!" He hears from behind him.

Slowly he turns around and is met with beautiful e/c eyes and h/l h/c hair, "Hi, Ackerman, Levi," He says slowly, unsure as to why she is speaking to him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to train together!" She says with a smile painting her face.

He nods slowly and they walk to the middle of the hand-to-hand combat area.

Once the fight begins he throws a punch to her face and she takes it as an opportunity to duck and tackle his midsection.

They fight on the ground, her on top
of him and him dodging the punches she throws until he's able to flip her over.

He stands up and so does she, she swipes a kick at his ankles and he falls to the ground.

Taking this opportunity he kicks her knee causing her to kneel down, giving him the upper hand.

Grabbing her back and putting her in a choke hold she taps his arm to let him know she's done, "Never leave yourself vulnerable," He says helping her up.

She nods and smiles, "You're really good! I bet you're gonna be top of our class!"

This causes a small red tint to cover his cheeks as she gets distracted by someone telling them it's time for dinner.

"Do you wanna sit with me?" She asks him practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation.

He nods gently, "We should shower first, we're... Filthy," He says to her looking disgusted.

Nodding she runs off to her room and grabs clothes as does he.

They meet up in the mess hall and decide to sit by a couple of Levi's friends.

"ELD!!" The girl yells out as they approach the table.

Levi's face begins to draw a puzzled look, "You guys know each other?" He asks looking between the two.

Both of them nod and Eld begins to speak, "Shes my sister," He says with a smile on his face whilst looking at his sister.

"It's good to know you're making friends," He says as he continues to eat his food.

Nodding his head they both take a seat and she starts talking her head off asking questions upon questions.

Levi answers every question before finally getting fed up, "Do you ever stop talking?" He asks her.

Her face falls, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that... It's... Cute..." He says as his face flushes and he looks away from her.

"Oh... T-thanks..." She's says softly. He smiles gently, "Do you maybe wanna hang out later?" She asks as she fiddles with her thumbs under the table.

He nods slightly and they finish eating making small conversation here and there.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it's lunch time," I hear the doctor say as he enters.

I clap my hands and await my food, "Here you go," He says as he sets the tray on my lap, "You can keep reading if you like, or you can go get food as well," I say smiling.

Levi nods and stands up, heading to the mess hall.

"I'll be back soon," He says as I begin eating.

About an hour passes and Levi is back, "I have to train... I'll come back tomorrow and read some more, unless I have time tonight,"

I nod at him and the day passes by slowly, afternoon turns into night and still no sign of Levi.


"Alright Mrs. Ackerman, It's time to lay down, it appears Levi will not be making it tonight..."

A sigh escapes my lips and for some reason my heart feels heavy.

I lay down and my eyes begin to close, mere seconds feel like hours but finally I fall into the darkness.

word count: 966

Remember [Levi Ackerman x Fem! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now