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"CORPORAL! I GOT THE LEFT FLANK!" I hear Petra call out speeding off through the trees with her 3DMG gear.

The loud whirring sounding like music her to my ears.

"Cadet Y/n! Cover Petra! Now!" Levi yells out from up ahead.

"Will do, Levi!" I yell back to him but before I can take off he stops me.

"Remember, when we're on the job it's corporal to you," He says calmly in a stoic tone but just loud enough for my ears and only my ears, to pick up.

Mentally sighing I give a nod, which he sees just before he whips his head back around.

Taking off with the 3DMG gear around my waist hearing the little white noise it makes as I soar through the air I finally see Petra.

I begin to get a little hasty trying to catch up with her like this and just when I'm at her back, my 3DMG misses the tree.

"PETRA!" I call out but she can't hear me.

Bracing myself for the impact of the ground...

But it never came, "Woah there Y/n, I knew you would need someone to look after you just incase," I hear the voice of Eld, my brother.

Sighing I look up at my brother and he positions me to face outward so I can begin to use my 3DMG again.

"Thank you," I mumble loud enough for him to hear over the whirring of the machines, once I got back to using mine.

"It's no problem," he chuckles lightly before continuing, "Now go find Petra," He tells me before taking off.

I nod but mentally facepalm when I realize he's no longer there and I did that for nothing.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the sight of a tree and I'm heading straight for it.

Maneuvering out of the way just in time and seeing Petra off in the distance makes my heart soar at the thought that I was able to do something like that.

"PETRA!" I call out, this time she hears me.

She turns her head around and smiles at me, it's a bitter smile. But it's still a smile nonetheless.

I see a black flair go off in the distance signaling they've spotted a variant.

A from forms on my face as I continue to trial after Petra.

Eventually she stops at a tree, I continue over to the tree and land on the branch next to her.

"Corporal told me to come after to cover you," I inform her, she nods her head and begins to catch her breath.

Smiling to myself we see the variant.

"I-it's a female?" I stutter out whilst grabbing my flair gun and trying to load it.

I fumble with the flair a couple times but eventually I get it and shoot it up into the air.

"Come on, we better start moving. We need to get that titan," I say to Petra.

She nods and we take off trailing after the titan.

"You cover the right, I'll cover the left!" I yell out to Petra.

Petra and I attack from the left and right going for the nape of the neck but the titan COVERS HER NECK?!

I see the titan lift her hand to swat at Petra, "PETRA!" I yell throwing myself in her direction.

Pushing Petra out of the way I'm hit by the titan and sent flying into the trunk of a tree.

"P-Petra..." I stumble out.

Slowly I see the shape of Petra enter my blurred vision, "I'm sorry L/n. But I have to do this," She says light heartedly as she kicks my head into the tree.

She used my old last name?...

Thump Thump...
Thump Thump...
Thump... Thump...

There's a heartbeat in my head?

It hurts.

Everything is so bright.


Slowly my vision fades into black...

My mind stops...

I see a light...

Is this it?


There's somebody there.


She's pretty...

"Don't walk into the light,"

Her voice rings through my ears.

"It's not your time,"

"Utrn acbk,"
(turn back)

"Is't otn yuro tmie,"
(it's not your time,"

Her words are all a blur.

I can't make out any of them.

What's happening.

Slowly everything is engulfed in black.

Word count: 711
So this is my first Levi book! If you haven't yet, go check out my Bokuto x reader!

If you have any suggestions please let me know!

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