Chapter 6

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Sorry this is before, but I just wanted to say that I am shocked by the display of aggression and violence that occurred at the Capitol on Wednesday. I am truly shocked that our nation has come to terrorization and violence as a means of getting across a message and do not believe that it was okay for them to do that. Violence is never the answer.

I just wanted to say that, but back to the story now.

"I wonder why Julie didn't tell us she could shred on the piano." Reggie wonders aloud to his two bandmates.

"And sing. That girl can sing." Luke is just slightly jealous of the girl's talents, but mostly in awe. No one heard Brielle sing though, since she was only about halfway back to Julie's.

"It probably has something to do with her mom, you know?" Alex rationalizes, which requires more thinking than Luke or Reggie usually put into something like this. "Must have been hard." Climbing up to the loft, Alex finds old clothes of theirs, neatly folded in a stack instead of the old garbage bag Julie's mom originally put them in when they moved there. "Some of the clothes we left behind are here. They're folded too." He drops them to the floor, and instantly, Reggie and Luke change their shirts feeling kind of gross for wearing the same shirt for twenty-five years. But, of course, Ray has come to take pictures of the studio, admiring the place that his daughter finally sang in after a year of being silent.

"Woah, that was weird." Reggie says after Ray walks directly through him. "But somehow, I can tell this man has a kind heart."

"So, how've ya been?" Ray asks aloud to the spirit of his wife. "Julie sang for the first time this morning. And Brielle did too, about a month ago. You would've loved it."

"We know... wait Brielle sings? Did you know she sang?" Reggie asks his bandmates, and they both shake their heads.

"She is probably really shy about it. I mean, based on those bruises, it can't be a good time at her house." Alex shrugs, as Ray continues to talk to the spirit of his wife.

"Oh, he's not talking to us, is he?" Reggie questions, and Luke mentally facepalms.

"You are so luck you can play bass." Reggie takes that as very offensive, but in reality, Luke's right. Reggie isn't that bright, but he is very talented on the bass guitar.

"They're such amazing young women. Everyday, Julie reminds me more and more of you. Brielle, she is so strong, even when she doesn't have to be." Ray walks around to the piano, sitting on the bench, still wishing his wife were by his side instead of in heaven. "Oh, I'm, uh, I'm taking picture for the real estate website. I don't really wanna move and leave Brielle with nowhere to go, but I guess it's best for Julie." Luke is on the verge of tears hearing this, knowing how much it hurts to let go of the places you love.

"Move?" Luke is heartbroken at the fact that Julie and Brielle will be out of their lives as quickly as they showed up in them.

"There's so many memories of Julie playing next to you, Carlos singing without his two front teeth." Ray chuckles, remembering the good old days, which were both before his wife passed and before Brielle came into their lives. Luke, on the other hand, is basically sobbing, even though Ray can't see any of the three of them. "And Brielle, she grew up so much listening to you play and you teaching her how to play."

"Not you too." Reggie says, before Ray continues his monologue to his wife.

"He's saying they have to move, but the poor guy doesn't want to move." Now, Reggie is crying too, leaving Alex, the supposed softie, the only one still composed.

"Okay, how am I the emotional one?" Alex wonders as Ray continues to take pictures.

"It's like the three of them grew up out here, with you."

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