❤Corpral Levi x Trainee Fem Reader: Stable Duty

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Fluff time, I hope it's ok, I'm fantastic at writing the sin, but when it comes to cute cuddly things I make it corny so fingers crossed, also⚠⚠ Jeans a little "aggressive" in this one-shot⚠⚠ if that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip this story. I hope you all enjoy it my dears.

Y/N: your name
B/F/N: best friends name
B/T: body type
C/S: cup size
S/C: skin color
F/C: favorite color
H/C: hair color
H/L: hair length
F/A: favorite artist
F/S: favorite show

Have fun :)


You walked across the training yard looking for a potential partner, Eren, Armin, and Jean came into your line of view. You tried not to make eye contact with Jean, seeing as he's been pestering and hitting on you something fierce lately. He saw you standing alone and perked up, he began walking in your direction with a confident grin plastered on his face. You look away as you try and approach Eren in hopes to snatch him before Armin did, but it seemed fate had other plans for you. Armin rushed over to Eren and they decided to train together, your face fell as you watched them walk over to the training yard. You mentally groaned as you heard Jean's footsteps grew closer to you,
"Hey Y/N, couldn't help but notice you don't have a partner," he said getting a little too close for comfort, giving you a cheeky wink.
"You know, you and I could be partners and train together for a while. It'll be interesting to see how well you can fight, seeing as I've never been your partner before," he said hooking your arms together and pulling you to the training yard. You looked around trying to find a way out of it, but it was no use. You dragged your feet with Jean, not looking at him as much as you could help it. He got into position, as did you, and began your training, you threw a few punches to start and got Jean in the gut, giving you a little bit of an ego boost. He recovered from your throws and seemed to get a little more aggressive, throwing punches and attempting to trip you down. You blocked all his throws only to be tripped down one after another, every time you did you felt more and agitated towards Jean, wanting to beat the ever-loving heck out of him. You got up from the ground and got back into stance waiting for him to put you down again, you threw your punches, he threw his, and just as you were about to trip him he grabbed your hand and pulled you down as he fell. The sight was not exactly a pretty one to see as it looked hella suggestive, he chuckled as you blushed in anger. You were about to get off him when your captain walked over to you, a look of disgust and fury on his face,
"L/N, Kirstein. What the hell do you think you doing?" His look never faltered as he continued to approach you and Jean. You looked at him as you pushed yourself off Jean and stood up,
"Jean and I were training and he grabbed me as he fell to the ground and the way we landed just happens to be an inconvenient position, sir," you say looking down unable to look him in the eye. Your captain was a man you looked up to in more ways than one, he was strong,  handsome, stern, and well respected among his troops and peers. You thought he was perfect all the way around, but you knew he probably didn't feel the same. You'd exchange looks from time to time and ask how his day was as a way of making small talk, but nothing more. There always seemed to be many women around him, especially Cadet Ral, and you didn't want to burden him with that, seeing him get frustrated and annoyed with them. You looked up at him, he was still fuming at the sight he just saw,
"This isn't the bedroom cadets, whatever's going on between the two of you shouldn't be brought out on the field. As a punishment for this behavior, I'm putting you both on cleaning duty for the week, I propose you prepare yourselves, it's gonna be a long week," your eyes widen as he walked away,
"But it was an accident," you shouted as you chased after him. You felt a hand pull you back, you looked behind you to see Jean smirking,
"There's no point in trying to intervene. Besides this could be a good time to bond," he said motioning you back to the training yard. You gave him a weak smile as you walked back with him, looking back at Levi, his back turned to you, with a disheartened look on your face.

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