17. Visits From The Grave

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If it's in italics and it's someone speaking it's Ancient Greek.


"Who are you?"
Jason looked at his siblings quizzically, they all shrugged none of them knowing who it could be. Although Percy did look on edge, her hand was in her pocket as she fiddled with her pen.

However, before Jason could ask her why she seemed so skittish, Dick hopped off his seat and made his way towards the entrance of the kitchen, with Percy and Damian following behind.

Jason let out a small sigh before following after them, stepping quickly so he was beside Percy.

When they rounded the corner Tim was standing in front of the door staring suspiciously out at the stranger just a few steps away.
"Uh I heard Percy was here... Percy Jackson?" At the sound of the unfamiliar male voice Percy froze, her eyes wide and pooling with tears.

His sister raced forward and out the door Jason hurrying behind her, watching wide eyed as Percy launched herself at the teen that stood outside the door.

The boy looked around sixteen yet small for his age, with a lean build with muscle. Large bags under his eyes told Jason that the kid had a rough couple of days.
Standing just beyond the teen was a girl around the same age as him, she had long caramel coloured hair pulled into a side braid, her fingers clenching the hem of her oversized shirt.
She's nervous. But why?

"I thought- I thought you died, we all did..." was all that Jason could make out from Percy's sobs, her voice cracked as she spoke.
'Leo' awkwardly patted her back, a sheepish look on his face, "Yeah sorry 'bout that Aqua-girl."
Aqua-girl? What kind of nickname is that?

The boy anxiously glanced at Jason and the rest of the bat kids, before pulling away from Percy and speaking in a language Jason's didn't understand.

It sounded almost Greek from Jason had heard of the language though he couldn't name it, to his surprise Percy answered Leo in the same language speaking fluently.

At one point the curly haired teen seemed to remember something and asked a question. Percy just began to cry harder shaking her head as the tears rolled down her face, not bothering to wipe them. The short teen looked down the ground, obviously not happy about what Percy had said.

Suddenly Leo paused, looking up and gestured to the female beside him with a grin, Percy took one look at her, seemingly noticing her for the first time.

Then punched her.
Right on the nose, causing a steady trickle of blood to run down her face.
That's my sister!

To be continued....

{Just kidding I'm not that evil}

"Uh I heard Percy was here... Percy Jackson?" Percy paused in her steps, she knew that voice, it was the voice of someone she had lost. She had accepted that she wouldn't see him again, she almost laughed.
I see them every night in my dreams but now I'm starting to hear their voices!

Yet before she could stop herself his name left her mouth, "Leo?" And her feet carried her out the door, leaving the ground as she launched herself at one of her closest friends.
Burying her head in crook of his neck in a feeble attempt to hide the tears streaming down her face.
"I thought-I thought you died, we all did..."

She felt Leo begin to awkwardly pat her back, which only added to the tears.
He's really here! Alive! I didn't fail him.

"Yeah sorry 'bout that Aqua-girl."
She felt Leo begin to pull away and she reluctantly let him. "I'm really sorry but I had to go and-"
Percy cut off his ramble. "You don't need to apologize, you're here now. Alive."
Her friend smiled thankfully at her happy that she wasn't mad, before his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
"Why are you staying here? Is Annabeth here too? I have to ask her something."
All at once Percy felt the tears begin to flood down her face again.
I feel so pathetic right now.

"No. No Annabeth..." She looked away not able to finish that sentence.

"I'm so sorry Aqua-girl, I didn't know."
Percy just shook her head, knowing all to well that if she were to speak her voice would crack.

The repair boy was silent for a minute before suddenly straightening, "Oh right, Look who I brought!" He smiled proudly as he gestured towards a familiar girl behind him.

Everything unfocused for a moment and Percy could only see red, before she knew what was happen her fist connected with the girls nose, holding back a smile when she heard a satisfying crack.

"Percy?" Ignoring both Dick's questioning voice, Jason's small air fist pump, and her, she turned back to Leo glaring daggers.
"What is she doing here?"
"W-why did you do that?!"
"She's the reason Annabeth died!"
Her words were met with silence only broken by Leo's small mutter of "What?!"

"Percy I'm sorry, you have no idea-"
She cut Calypso off. "I would have understood if you cursed me. But you knew full well I had to leave. You knew. And Annabeth... you never should have dragged her into this."

"I didn't mean to..." Was all Calypso said, her voice sounding surprisingly small.
Percy let a dry laugh escape her lips. "That doesn't change anything."
The daughter of Poseidon turned back to Leo and gave him one last awkward hug. "I'm glad you aren't dead... but next time we see each other don't bring her."

With that she turned to walk back into the house, knowing full well that if she took one more look at Calypso she wouldn't be able to hold back. Shoving past Tim and Dick she stomped her way back into the house.
Percy knew it wasn't Calypso's fault, the curse was only the curse of despair yet Percy needed to blame someone. She needed her friends death to not be her fault.
I'm supposed to be over her death.


A loud knock sounded on the door of the room she was borrowing during her stay, causing her to hurriedly shove her sharping stone as well as dagger under her pillow.
Not bothering to holler for them to come in she waited for whoever it was to open the door, only looking down from where her gaze rested on the ceiling when the door opened with a small creak.

She stared at Bruce for a moment not waiting to speak first, with a heavy sigh Bruce crossed the room and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Someone's here to see you."
"I swear if Leo came back with-"
"It's not Leo."


Ahhh guys thank you so flippin much for 1k votes!
It's been an absolute blast writing this story for you peeps!!

Please read

Okay so first I'd like to apologize! I know I said this chapter would take a bit but I decided to do something completely different.

That being said I literally just came up with an idea for the next couple of chapters that will tie the whole story together—So I'm going to need a bit to piece it together

Chapters will be off and on, I have no idea how fast I will be updating.

Also I will try my best not to, but please don't come at me if it turns out low key cheesy—I'm still in high school and am by no means experienced in writing books.

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