13. Bird Out Of The Bag

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July 13th


Percy quickly walked out of the kitchen, hearing a faint oww as she made her way up the grand stairway.
She still couldn't quite believe it, PTSD, it didn't come as much of a surprise to Percy after all her life had been far from sweet and simple. But still, PTSD.

She whipped away the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes, it bad enough to see that almost every night in her nightmares, but now she had to be careful of flashbacks during the day?

She knew what had triggered it, the metallic clang of weapons meeting, after all that was the sound that was most dominant as she watched the light drain from Annabeth's eyes.
Percy shook her head, she shouldn't be thinking about that. Before her mind could wander off she reached her room.
I should probably figure out if I'm going to keep staying here for the next month or if I'm moving back to Jason's apartment.

She laid on her bed, secretly hoping that she would be able to stay in Wayne manor for the rest of the month if not for the amazing food and soft bed.

After a moment she decided that it wouldn't be good for her to just seat alone in her room doing nothing, she stiffly sat up and walked out her door towards the Gym.

To her slight surprise Damian was there already, bring his sword up and down, then up again working on his technique as well as control.

"Would you like to have a rematch?"
The boy stopped and looked back to her his eyes slightly narrowed. "You won't hold back?"
"Not unless you want me to." She said with a grin as she made her way to the large rack of swords, picking up the Xiphos again.
She turned back around to see Damian already in position holding his katana evenly in front of him.

Her smile widened when he charged at her, not wanting to give her anytime to think.
Smart, but stupid.

The small assassin slashed his blade aiming for her stomach, the demigod anticipated the sudden slash and easily sidestepped slamming the hilt of her sword into his upper arm making him let go with that hand.

Damian quickly jumped back in order to steady himself, but Percy didn't give him the chance. She stepped forward and used the disarming move that Luke taught her all those years ago, with the flick of her wrist Damian's katana clattered to the floor her Xiphos pressed lightly against his neck.

The teen stared at her with wide eyes for a moment before regaining his composure  again, "Teach me."
Percy shook her head lightly a small smile on her face, "I can only teach you the moves, the experience that comes behind them you will have to get on your own."
Which is experience I never want him to get. Fighting for your life... does something to you.


Damian was a fast learner Percy had to give him that. It didn't really come as a surprise though, he had been taught by the League of Assassins after all.
She had spent the last couple of hours showing Damian ancient techniques as well as some new.
Percy was honestly amazed that the usual snobby and proud small teen was quite teachable when it came to the sword, never once assuming he was better.
I guess you just need to earn his respect.

It was safe to say that Percy had been effectively distracted.

"Is it really true you fought Ares and won?"
She looked up at Damian's words smiling slightly as she remembered that summer, "Yeah."

The small boy looked deep in thought then walked over and placed his sword on the rack. "Someday I'm going to accomplish everything you have."
She let out a small laugh before stepping towards the teen and messing up his hair, "You'll have to beat me in a fight before you do that."
"I will."
She paused for a moment, then walked over and placed her own sword back on the rack as well, turning back around she looked him in the eye. "Then I look forward to the day you do."

Neither of them knew, however, that a certain capped crusader was smiling to himself as he was watched their interaction from halfway across the city at WE on a small computer screen.

(What a stalker)


Damian had left the Gym shortly after saying he had 'important matters to attend to' and to 'feel liberated to utilize the gymnasium equipment'. Honestly someone needed to teach that kid how to be a kid.

She hadn't taken up Damian's generous offer, instead she had decided to scope out Gotham. It was about time she checked out her home for the next month and make sure there were no surprises, monster nests to be specific.
It was always better to be safe then sorry.

Sneaking out of the manor was just as easy as the first time, even more so since she hadn't bumped into Tim in the hallway like the time before.
After a good 10 minute walk she finally reached the outskirts of the city.
As she began walking around the city of crime, she had to admit the architecture was breath taking, granted that was only in the rich parts of the city, the ghettos not so much.


Whilst looking for potential monster hideouts, Percy happened to find something that could maybe be one, so she had to check it out.
Needless to say the ice cream place on fourth street was not a monster establishment. Though they did have some dam good blue ice cream.
I'll have to come back.

At some point it had gotten dark out, the once busy sidewalks slowly turned into a small trickle of one or two people walking alone in the darkness.
Deciding that it may be best to head back to the manor now she turned around, only to come face-to-face with four tall muscled men. Cursing her stupidity in both Latin and Ancient Greek she fingered Riptide in her pocket, she really did need to start carrying around a mortal blade.
"What's a pretty lady like you doing walking around Gotham alone? Looking for some company?"

Percy internally rolled her eyes, mortals really were disgusting. "Ahaha actually I'm fine and I was just heading home... so if you don't mind me..."
Before she could even take a step, the goon that had spoken pulled out a small switch blade and made a dramatic show of opening it. "Oh no, your staying here hot stuff. And who knows? You may have some fun."

Before she could act, however, a dark shadow jumped down from the building the sharp gleam of a sword visible in his hand.
The goon saw her staring so he too looked behind him, noticing the dark figure he stumbled back behind the others as he pulled out a rather small gun.
The figure was obviously not a full grown man, as their height barely reached her chest.
It must be Robin.

Percy wasn't completely uncultured she knew a bit of the mortal heroes, after all one of her cousins was on the Justice League.
The men quickly pulled out their own knives and began to charge at the vigilante, although it was proved pointless as he made quick work of slashing at their arms and legs effectively immobilizing them one by one with carefully calculated skillful strokes of his blade, not one movement wasted.

Percy had made of habit of remembering the fighting styles of different individuals, not only could it help determine if they were a Roman or Greek demigod, but also so she could learn from them. In this case Percy didn't know what to think, sure she had only fought him twice, but she knew that fighting style.
She knew it.

When Robin finally turned around to see if she was alright she watched as his expression morphed into barely hidden shock. He hadn't expected to see her.



What do you guys think so far?

{1} ✔︎ The other Todd (Percy JacksonxBatfam)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz