Chapter 31

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Other pov~

"happy birthday n/n-ie" Jackson grinned out as he spun with a scenery of the morning sun glowing behind him.

You found your footing on the clift rocks letting the peach coloured sky highlight your smile.

"y-you.. I swear Jackson all you have done is surprise me more and more" you chuckled out towards the boy. Your smile as big as it could be as you eyed up the view before you.

He outstretched his arms holding out a wrapped box in his left hand.

"how could I forget. I'm sure it was here that you practically engraved your birth date into my mind" he laughed out as he pulled you in for a tight hug.

You let out a content breath returning the hug.

A light chuckle was all you could manage out. Your mind now thinking back to the day you both found this place.

It was a rocky clift top with a wide spread view of the ocean. It was a hidden gem you both had found as children on jacksons birthday you had spent together and from then on it became your safe place even if the place itsself wasn't so safe.

You could only relax more into Jacksons arms as the memory replayed.

"its been over 10 years I can't believe I've put up with you and your adventurous life for so long" you smiled out letting your arms return to your side.

"so are you going to take the present or what" Jackson sarcastically laughed out.

"of course!" you replied eagerly reaching for the box.

"Jackson... I LOVE IT!" you squealed out hugging the small camera to your chest.

"I'm glad" he replied as he scratched the nape of his neck "it's nothing big but when I saw it it just felt so you" he finished off as he admired your joyful expression.


You both climbed up to sit up top a bigger bolder to finally take in the rising sun lighting up the darkened sky. "thank you Jackson" you muttered out whilst keeping your eyes set ahead.

You felt his hand pull you towards his shoulder to which you gladly complied as a smile settled on your lips.

After the sun had rose and the reddened sky had begun to turn a shallow yellow you both headed back towards the guesthouse both of you mentally preparing your goodbye speeches for each other.

Jackson walked you to the door step before pausing and turning to face you as you approached. A sour look on his face.

"What are you going already?" you questioned. Slightly saddening your mood to say goodbye earlier than you has considered.

"yeah. I need to head back to the guys before our manager comes to pick us up" he sent you a sorrowful smile to try and lighten the dampening mood.

"Promise to text every day and one call a week okay?"

"of course"

"and stay safe and don't get into trouble" you huffed out as you took in a shaky breath.


"and make sure.. To visit more" you muttered out. as you felt tears sting the corners of your eyes you looked up to meet his own.

"I promise"

You felt a tear fall and you finally wrapped him in a hug.

"I have to go now" you heard him mumble out as you both stepped back from the hug.

You watched and waved your hand continuously as his figure began to grow smaller down the street. Sinking down to your feet you hugged your knees to your chest as you held the small camera Jackson had gifted you.

You felt a buzz from your pocket after calming yourself. Pulling out your phone you open the chat with Jackson.

J: There's a surprise inside. Stop crying on the floor and go innnn~

Wiping the remaining tear streaks you stood and sucked in a breath before opening the door.


You let out a much needed laugh as you admired the scene before you.

All seven of the boys stood dressed up head to toe as Jin held a beautifully decorated cake in the middle of the group.

"g-guys.. H-how did you know?" you questioned as you stepped into the house.

"Jackson told us last night after you fell asleep" taehyung grinned out. "he sure does like springing things on people last minute" namjoon added you could see his eyebrows furrow together slightly which only made you smile.

"he's always been like that" you grinned out.

Jimin was the first to pull you into a hug to which you instantly returned followed by hoseok adding to the pile before jungkook managed to pull you from the group and hold you himself as he stuck his tongue out like a child to the previous two.

You could hear jimin whine beside you at the loss of contact until jungkook reached over and pulled him to join.

You giggled into jungkooks chest before gently pushing them both away.

"I need to take my shoes and jacket off" you giggled out before any of the two could tempt you back with thier pouting faces.

"let's light the candles!" Jin shouted as he ran back into the room with a lighter at hand.

You all gathered around the living room table with the cake placed in front of you. Hoseok was to your right while yoongi took the left.

"you need to make a wish" jimin announced from the other side.

You didn't need to think for another second before making your wish and blowing the candles out.


Akdkfhsjf what am I even trying to do anymore 😭

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 💜

Also happy birthday to anyone who's birthday it is today~~~~ 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎊🎁✨🎈

Have a good week everyoneee

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