Chapter 4

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It was 7am when I woke up, I stretched relentlessly before standing and making my way to the shower.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't excited.
I remember every moment from last night, still feeling the warmth I was encaved in by Seokjin on my body as well as the embarrassment of exposing myself as such a weak state to the partial stranger.

I sit on the edge of my bed not knowing whether it would be polite of me to go downstairs or wait for someone to call for me and on that note A knock at my door and a good morning greeting from the one and only cook himself Seokjin.

He smiles while pushing his full body through my door "good morning" he exclaimed his eyes full of that motherly warmth he seemingly always emits. I couldn't help but let the smile I was hiding creep onto my face "g-good morning" I reply now working my way up to meet his content gaze "breakfast is ready" genuine care in his voice and I stand to follow. This was nice.

We make our way downstairs and over to the table, Seokjin holding his hand to direct me to the empty end seat and as my attendance became known as seven greeted me.

I felt slightly awkward but the way they welcomed me so easily I couldn't shy away from it no longer.
The seating arrangement being Me opposite Seokjin while taehyung, jimin, namjoon took up my left side and  jungkook, hoseok and yoongi on the opposing other side.

My mouth was watering at the sight of the homekooked meal steaming before my eyes, several platters of food.

I watched as the boys fill their plates as I also reach out a small portion of each available food placing on my own dish. I could see taehyung sneaking the few vegetables Seokjin had told him to eat onto my plate earning glares from the older. Seeing their interaction had me struggling to hide the soft giggles of amusement that left my throat.

As everyone including myself dug into the godly food me not being the centre of attention I tuned in to the many different conversations around the table.
Namjoon, Seokjin and yoongi were having a debate while hoseok sat shaking his head looking distraught at the argument taking place. Jimin, taehyung and jungkook were talking about games and such that they could play for the day.

I sat back observing each member every so often adding a small comment to the gaming talk or a look of 'I feel sorry for you' over in hoseok direction when he himself took the chance to glance my way.

"what games do you play y/n?" jungkook asks while setting down his glass of milk.

Thinking for a second "call of duty.. any of those types really what do you play?" I replied returning the question.
His eyes lit up now setting down his cutlery as he bagan to list game after game running out of fingers to count on and some point I had zoned out completely. He really was trying to list every game he played.

We soon finished our meal and I had taken it upon myself to wash the dishes telling Seokjin it was my way of saying thank you when in reality I needed a little space to myself.

Just as I was finishing up yoongi walked into the kitchen area making me jump a little at his sudden appearance.

"do you want some coffee?" he asked while I was slightly taken back still thinking the man disliked me after our staring contest of some sort.

I nod my head uttering a small 'yes please' and he proceeded to fetch a second cup.

It was almost 3pm and I had spent the remainder of the morning upstairs working but had come to a halt as the growls of my stomach were getting more and more distracting.
I go on search of food. Something I could snack on or whatever was left in my mini fridge only to find it  bare.

I sigh down at the sight of the empty shelves and go and grab my purse picking up a denimn jacket to put on over the black leggings and white oversized t-shirt I was wearing and made my way downstairs.

"are you going out?" I pause in my movements to turn and face where the voice had come from it was taehyung. He was walking over to where I stood a boxy grin across his face and a jungkook following close behind.

"y-yeah I'm going to the shop.. to buy some things" not wanting to drop yourself in the act of stashing junk food in your room knowing a certain adult figure was in the same room.

The two boys convert through a quick glance at each other before the youngest looks back at me "can we come with?" the question rolled so smoothly off his tounge like he had been preparing the question since his arrival. I look momentarily between the two struggling to find the words to decline or accept.

'its not like I can stop them from going to the shop'

Nodding my head in acceptance. The boys race forward towards the door tripping over their own feet as they rushed to put their shoes on and grab their wallets and jackets.

I stand back and watch the scene a smile creeping up onto my lips that I bit down to stop it from showing.

We manage to make it our the door in one piece and I choose to walk a few steps ahead still feeling awkward and not knowing if I was welcomed to join their conversation.

When we reach the store I go to walk off in my own direction and leave the two to find what they wanted but I'm stopped in my tracks as a hand grips the sleeve of my jacket.

"we came together so let's walk together" the voice belonging to the one and only maknae i look between the two as taehyung then reaches out to take the shopping basket out of my hand. 

Taehyung smiles down before skipping ahead leaving me with a jungkook still gripping the sleeve of my jacket which at this point I had long forgotten about. Infact It wasn't until I go to grab the last item from my mentally taken list that I realise he was still holding tightly to the fabric around my arm.

I raise an eyebrow in his direction then look down at where his hand still latched onto myself

"j-jungkook-ssi? W-why are you holding my jacket still?" he looks to where my eyes were pointing and let's out an 'oh' and slowly releases his hold smiling sincerely but looking kind of defeated. he looked like a kicked puppy and I felt kind of bad.

Walking back home jungkook and taehyung both matched my pace one on each side of me after their small argument in the store about who was going to carry the bags to which I took it upon myself to pick both bags up and walk ahead them both feeling guilty and apologising reaching to take the bags from my hands which I moved away and started walking.

I hadn't realised it but being with the boys had helped me gain that smaller bit of public confidence I had left deep within me and for once I hadn't rushed back or hung my head to hide my face even more so realising I had come out of the house without wearing a hooded jacket of some sort.

Lost in thought I end up walking straight into the back of taehyung who looked just as surprised.

I was so out of it.

He smiled and took one of the bags from my hand (the other being my own) before continuing to walk over to Seokjin handing him the bag of food that Seokjin had messaged for him to pick up.

I didn't even realise we was back at the guesthouse.

Ahhhjjsjjddj seriously why do I have such bad writers block today

Do you ever get those days where you just feel so emotionally drained that you don't want to do anything and everything is the worst but you don't know why
Because that literally me all day today 😔😪 I cancelled on my friends which we was supposed to go out for the day and Ive literally done little to nothing

Anyway enough about me I hope you are all having a good day and that you are all staying safe and thank you for reading my work 💜

Borahae army 💖

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