11 - The Dueling Dummy

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Ellie stood with Hermione and her friends as they watched Filch hammer yet another proclamation to the wall. The stone wall just outside the Great Hall started to fill with these rules, seeming to multiply with each passing day.

Educational Decree No. 68: All Student Organizations are Henceforth Disbanded. Any Student in Noncompliance Will be Expelled.

Ellie rolled her eyes at the sight, huffing loudly as she turned to the trio. Hermione seemed to be the only one distraught while Harry and Ron carried determined expressions.

"She found out? How is this even possible?" Hermione muttered, her eyes widening with worry.

"Someone must have overhead us talking about it," Ellie replied quietly.

"She hasn't even seen us do anything. As far as I'm concerned, they're merely rumors to her," Harry stated.

"It's a good thing we haven't done anything yet," Ron shrugged.

"We'd be expelled if she saw us practicing. All of us," Hermione whispered, clearly concerned about the possibilities of expulsion.

"That bloody bastard," Ron mumbled, earning a light scoff of amusement from Ellie.

"Well, have any of you found a place we can practice?" Harry questioned. "We're running out of time. The more we wait, the more power she'll gain."

As if Neville had heard them from afar, the boy approached the quartet with long strides, his grin wide with success.

"I found the place," Neville whispered triumphantly. "Gather the others. Seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Meet me there in ten minutes."

The quartet looked to each other with a sudden excitement, as if someone had answered their desperate plead. Within seconds, the small group split up to fetch the others, Ellie running off to find the twins and her housemates.

The next ten minutes passed with a blur and soon, Dumbledore's Army found themselves standing inside a spacious room, its high ceilings extending all throughout as a crackling fireplace sat at the end.

"You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement," Hermione announced, taken aback with amazement.

"The what?" Ron questioned.

"You heard her, Ron," Ellie rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"It's also known as the Come-and-Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it and is always equipped for the seeker's needs," Hermione explained.

"So... say you really needed the toilet..." Ronald joked, earning amused snickers from his brothers.

"Charming, Ronald. But yes, that is the general idea," Hermione replied in annoyance.

"It's brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back," Harry beamed as he stepped forward, taking in the room's perfection..

Just two days after discovering the Room of Requirement, the DA held its first meeting. Each member had been given a fake Galleon to alert them of the upcoming meetings, the object doing so by turning warm and changing its characters to the date and time.

The room was charged with excitement, each person peering over shoulders and heads to get a look at the action from the line they had formed. Their wands were withdrawn at the ready as Harry explained the first lesson's curriculum: the Disarming Charm.

Neville stood at the front, his sleeves rolled up in preparation for his attempt. Harry stood by to spectate as he gave a reassuring nod to the boy.

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