Chapter 79: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 3]

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Andrew Price

"Great! Fucking great! My girlfriend is out partying with the criminals and we're out here looking like we all just slipped on bananas."

Man, I wished I would've said that out loud. But things were too hectic, and me yelling would only make matters worse.

"What do we do now? Lia's out there, most likely scared to death." I asked the group. They all shook their heads, like they were trying to contemplate a solution but nothing seemed to surface.

"I'm going to try calling her cell." Mason stated. "Maybe we're overthinking this. Maybe she's fine and she's walking home or something."

I decided not to argue with him even though I know he's wrong. I have this feeling, like something bad is going to happen if we don't act quick.

I know she wouldn't just run off and walk home. It's so unlike her. Especially knowing that there's someone out there trying to kill her.

Who is most likely the person that snatched her on the front steps of the school.

"Who do you think this person is? That's after Lia?" Lina pressed me.

"Well, Eli and I came to the conclusion that it's a person from our world." I gestured to everyone here. "Someone who wants payback with me, and knows she's the only thing capable of making me crumble."

"So, maybe someone who knew about her is the one who's trying to hurt her." Lina guessed. "Who have you told about Lia? Who knows she's in your life?"

I tried remembering. "Well, you guys, obviously. My parents. Her Dad. Eli, Nick, and Julian."

"Wait, wait, wait. Who's Julian?" Jace looked at me with his brows furrowed.

"He's a part of my gang. He left with me the day of my birthday, you know, when you guys crucified Lia and me. Let's just say we made some mistakes, more me than him."

"Why hasn't he come back?" Cole jumped in.

"I may have messed things up a bit with him, but I did clear the air with him and he said things were fine. So, we're all good with that." I wiped the palms on my hands on my trousers to help ease the tension in the room, mostly targeted at me.

To be completely honest, we're not all good. I've made so many mistakes with him, all of which I'm sure will never be forgotten or forgiven. But I'd assure him I'd make things right. He seemed pretty convinced.

"She's not answering her phone or anything." Mason came back to tell the group.

"Hey. What's going on? Where's Lia?" Eli asked around.

"You're a little late, Fabio." I nudged his chest with my elbow. "Lia's missing. We think she's been kidnapped."

"What? Let me grab Nick." Eli runs off to retrieve my little brother.

When he does, my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I reach in to grab it, and freeze when I notice the caller ID.


"The fuck? Julian's calling me." I said, my hands practically shaking.

"Wait, I can track the number with my phone. Show me his number." Mason instructed me, and I did so as he plugged in Julians number. It looked like some government app, one that's not available for public use.

I need to ask where he got that.

Not the point.

"Julian? You haven't called me in months. What's up?" I tried to act cool and collected. I placed the phone on the table for the rest of the group to hear.

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