Chapter 59: When Everything Changes

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Lia James

The ambience was...peaceful.

The trees rustled against the wind, and the crickets were chirping loud as can be. All concept of time...stopped.

Andrew's warmth against my body radiated me to the core. I felt whole—complete, something that I had longed for, for quite some time.

His chin was rested up on the top of my head, and his strong arms cradled me around him. My ear was against the center of his chest, and I could feel his heartbeat jumping. It was going a mile a minute.

I felt selfish.

I wanted to stay here with Andrew forever. I wanted to be with him until the sun came up. It wasn't just to escape the problems that had just endured a few hours ago, but because I wanted him all to myself for a little longer. And that was selfish of me.

I couldn't leave Lina, and all my friends to pick up the pieces of what happened at that party. I was the one who had suspicions, I had to be there for her.

I shuffled against his body. "We should go."

He moaned, pulling me closer to his chest. "No. Just a little bit longer."

"You know I would love to, more than anything. But Lina needs me. I'm her best friend, and I need to be there for her."

"I know." He sighs. "I just want one day where I could be selfish with you. One day where I could have you all to myself."

"I promise we'll have that day. Just not right now. The circumstances just aren't...right." I tried reasoning with him, and judging by the hurt look on his face, I seemed to crack through his shell.

"Okay, fine." He agreed. "It's just...we haven't been together in weeks, and I missed you so much."

"I did too. But I'm glad the way things worked out because I'm here, right now, with you." I smiled at him, and he looked at me with such longing and desire.

We both craved each other for so long, and now that we're finally giving in, it feels like we're flying. It's like...nothing can get better than what we have right now.

We were vulnerable and we poured our hearts out. We did what was necessary for us, and we rode over a massive bump in the road.

And now, it's just a straightaway.

For now.

His eyes dropped down from my eyes to my lips, and then back up again. He wanted to kiss me, so bad. But I knew that if we did, I wouldn't be able to stop.

My sense of control seems to disappear whenever I'm around him.

He's so...intoxicating, and I'm left wanting more. Craving more. So much that I'm not able to stop.

I made an oath to myself, and I'm not going to break it just because I lose control. It's not going to happen.

When the time is right, it will. But not now.

For now, to settle both him and myself down, I placed a small peck on his lips. We both sat up, me straddling his thighs.

What seemed like a small envelope, slid out of his pocket and onto the ground. It had a golden border across the front, and it had Andrew's full name in red calligraphy.

"Your middle name's Nathaniel?" I asked, grabbing the card from off the grass.

"Yep." He said, before noticing the envelope in my grasp. "It was after my grandfather on my Dad's side. He was a good man."

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