What if we Drown (54)

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All around her was a stillness and peace unheard of, as she drifted upon the grey-blue tempest, while laces of white tickled her nose and her lashes, teasing and tantalizing, singing to the breath within her lungs

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All around her was a stillness and peace unheard of, as she drifted upon the grey-blue tempest, while laces of white tickled her nose and her lashes, teasing and tantalizing, singing to the breath within her lungs.

Squinting through the prickly haze, Ashlyn rose and fell with the ocean's deep breath, her limbs moving in a hypnotic dance under its command. Her gaze roamed the deep expanse, her sense of direction ceasing to exist amidst the tendrils of fire that floated around her face.

My sweet daughter, the ocean cooed, its arms reaching out to cradle and caress. Enveloped in its tight embrace, Ashlyn felt herself falling deeper into its touch and the promises it whispered over her mind. Home at last. The ocean's voice tickled at the edges of consciousness, and Ashlyn blinked.

Wisps of white and silver danced upon the waters, the shape of memories forming and reforming with each flutter of her lashes. Children ran towards the tides, kicking and splashing at the waves that kissed their ankles. A man threw back his head and laughed, the child in his arms flying on the breeze as he spun with her. Smiles that brought a warmth to her chest, and the face of the man she'd thought she'd never see again, caused a familiar aching in her chest, one the ocean was more than willing to rectify.

It continued to sing its enchanting song, coaxing memories to the surface while drawing Ashlyn deeper into its embrace. One memory, one softly spoken word at a time, the ocean called her to the watery grave that awaited, the promise of her father too strong an allure.

The wisps continued their dance around her as Ashlyn swayed, her sleepy gaze lingering upon the speck of golden light that beat like a heart within each memory, a mirror to the gentle beating of her own. It pulsed with each chop and change, the collection of her happiest memories unleashed upon the nightly canvas.

Her lids grew heavy, as tiny pockets of air tickled her lips with a teasing breath. The golden lights shone brighter, the wisps dissipating around them as something brushed through them. At first, only a shadow tickled the corners of a memory, begging to be free, echoing the voice of a father's tender love. The surface cracked like glass, revealing an image her inner child had long forgotten. Lights bobbed with the rising waters, and an unseen force moved around her again, consuming all light until all that remained was a single glow that twinkled amidst the darkness below.

Mermaids, her mind sighed. He was right. The thought wavered, her mind clinging to the brink of unconsciousness as she tried to focus her vision on the subtle glow that drew closer. A weakened smile twisted upon her lips, and she closed her eyes, welcoming the light.

Ashlyn, the voice so ingrained in her memory called to her and caressed her cheek. Slowly, her eyes opened, fluttering in disbelief.

Daddy? Her hand answered, reaching through the darkened depths towards the glow below. The ocean continued to drag her down towards the thing her heart yearned for, the reunion she'd dreamed of.

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