What if we Drown (41)

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"How does a vegetable omelet sound?"

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"How does a vegetable omelet sound?"

Ashlyn's thumb absently brushed over Derek's knuckles, his hand grasped loosely in hers as she pondered his question. She'd have eaten stale toast if it meant spending more time with him.

A little sound of approval came from her abdomen, and they both chuckled.

"Come on. Before the twins wake and eat everything." His chuckle was hypnotic, the vibrations traveling down his arm and through their clasped hands until she felt it vibrate its way into her heart. She was enchanted by everything that bore his mark; his sounds, his scent, his touch. Everything that made up him.

Was this how it felt to experience the beginnings of new love? Like an adrenaline rush that blotted out all inhibitions? If it was, then his laughter was her new addiction, his touch her drug of choice.

Turning, Ashlyn felt the sun at her back, it's warm rays reaching out to envelop the clasped hands that hung between them. Its touch caused a tingle upon her flesh, its kiss bestowing upon them a blessing over what had just transpired while bathed in its dawning light.

Ashlyn watched the beams that danced upon their hands, neither of them moving despite their intentions to eat. He spoke quietly over her, his voice a soothing melody as her fingertips danced over the back of his hand.

"...thank God you don't have six fingers." Turning his hand over, he silently counted her fingers threaded with his.

His words came through with sudden clarity, and she giggled, taken back by his words.

"I could take him, though." He chuckled, squeezing her hand.

Glancing up at him, and the glint of humor in his eyes, her heart gave a stutter of awe. The smile upon her lips was all-encompassing, the turn of her lips growing more pronounced when she saw how he watched her with wonderment.

The rambling promises of his strength tapered off under the scrutiny of her gaze, and he gave a nervous chuckle.

"What did I say?" Derek asked with feigned puzzlement, the corner of his lips quirking.

Shaking her head, Ashlyn turned her head away so that he wouldn't see the amusement in her eyes. That same amusement fell when she saw they weren't alone.

Hesitating in the doorway, her grip on Derek's hand pulled him to a stop.

"Hey, what is—Oh." Derek looked away from her, his gaze following hers to what waited beyond. A groan crossed his lips.

Standing with her hip resting against the kitchen island, and a coffee cup at her lips, Lorraine watched them. The smirk she hid behind her cup told of the acts she'd observed, and Ashlyn couldn't believe she hadn't noticed their audience sooner.

Something turned in Ashlyn's stomach, a twist of embarrassment and naked vulnerability lodging itself against her rib cage. Standing there, emotionally bare, there was no option to deny what had happened. Their secret was out before they'd even had the chance to process it for themselves.

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